Perhaps their bubble has bursted?!?
Or perhaps...
1) they've realised that mainland Europe isn't quite as wrapped up in the eco/vegan bollocks to the extent that UK supermarkets are - our local Sainsburys, for example, is awash every night with yellow stickered plant/vegan muck - this despite having a medium sized university in the town and a biggish student/immigrant/yoof audience.
2) They've run out of dosh - don't you lot realise that merely eating in Oktoberfest meant Liam was hemorrhaging money despite finding possibly north of £5k for the 'upgrades' to Morgan.
3) In his pissed up state, he's given Janine a slap or two, even though she's not filmed too much of him being a Southern shandy drinking fairy and she's finally come to her senses and fucked him off.
4) Morgan tit his pants and needed recovering back to the UK, as getting a 7 year old Citroen Relay based van sorted in mainland Europe would be beyond the wit of a straw headed, tit hat wearing gobshite, even though Germany is next door to France and there is such a thing as overnighting parts, and most garages worth their salt can work on such a basic vehicle.
5) They realised they'd bought the wrong internet wifi dongle routery thingummy, and we all know they loves a roadtrip to sort a 'problem' out - so rather than go online, or phone someone to simply top up their SIM card or account, they've thought.... oooh extra footage of another 'crisis' and more non-essential and non-eco travel.
6) they've just tit out and ickkle Liam's head will explode with anymore nasty, hatey EU driving stuff.