Chatty Member
For all our blocked friends, here is this mornings fantasy musings....
I think pretty much EVERYTHING she says now is either a lie or a a veiled truth that has been so stretched out of shape to fit her narrative, its just complete !
Get some serious mental help Aimee, you aren't wired up correctly, you really aren't!
And where was/is Dad, Shirl or Charlie?
If Aimee has been truthful about all the hurt she has been going thru over the weekend and they all watch her TT's, where are her family supporting her?
There has not been 1 sign that any of her immediate family have come around to check on her over the weekend or since, is there.
I also don't believe Harper is currently living at home, all the DUD's and lunchbox TT's are only done for the Doberhuns.
You don't deserve your following and definately not gifts - what brand doesn't want their name mentioned when they've do something over and above for some free advertising??? Ahhhhhh, NONE OF THEM!!!
Another lie from the Birkdale Bullshitter!
More and more people are seeing thru your bullshit Aimee, change your ways before u you lose all your followers!
The random acts of kindness video sums up aimees life so well. She causes tit for herself and then is absolutely delighted when people do nice things or buy her nice things to 'cheer her up'. She can't see that she is the root cause of most of her problems and has clearly never been expected to grow up. She has the emotional maturity of a teenager.
It also highlights how these random acts of kindness as things we have probably all done hundreds of times, you know when you are a kind person. However aimee is not nice person. Do you remember last Christmas when she wouldn't post her neighbours Christmas cards that the postie had delivered to her by mistake? It wasn't her responsibility apparently. She lives her life in a bubble of selfishness and doesn't care what is going on in anyone else's lives