Things that you are sick of seeing on Social Media #17

Influencers conning vulnerable people with stupid programmes or insignificant products for money. Then flaunting all the expensive, unnecessary things they buy, or holidays they take. Have they no shame? There should be laws against this.
Especially when some of these ’influencer’ con artists used to be members of the Boys n Girls in Blue.🤨
My boyfriend told me if he hears Like A Prayer one more time my phone’s going down the toilet 🤣 I can’t stop looking at them hahaha the stories are horrific

We were in the living room last night and I was scrolling through TikTok and of course the praying prawn came up - cue a strong side eye from my partner and him saying, 'WHAT is that bloody thing you keep watching?!?!?!'

They are really annoying (especially the ones that are 100 slides long) but some are utterly horrendous 😅😅
Not sure if anyone else has seen this, but there's a content creator named something like ze_.ta, who makes these ridiculous AI reels based on XFactor, where a woman is dancing with an animal, then fuckin CHANGES INTO the animal, inspiring shocked expressions from the "judges". People in the comments actually think it's real, which makes me despair of modern humanity. I swear we've regressed back to the Dark Ages when people gawped gormlessly at the moon and thought it was a frigging deity or something.
Weight loss influencers. My feed is currently full of sponsored accounts where basically girlfriend has managed to lose 2-3 stone, usually post partum, and is now qualified on that basis alone to “coach” other women to fat loss.

Actually anyone on Instagram selling a “guide”. You just know it’s full of tosh that you could probably extract with a few pointed Chat GPT prompts.

Since when did losing some weight turn you into a health expert?
Some of these body confidence fashun influencers. What the duck is she wearing ?