Sick of seeing people say stuff like "
Just renewed my Netflix haha guess I'll never afford a house " or "
buy the daily latte you won't afford a house anyway" as if people mean those comments literally about one thing. Those in their 20's thinking older people are being literal when they advise to knuckle down and save properly instead of thinking corporate office jobs are like the movies, or what you see on Tiktok with £15 sushi lunches everyday being normalised..
I'm sure these types of people are brain dead, because those comments are very much a nod to the way a lot of young people fritter away salaries on designer bags, a takeaway latte 5x a week instead of 1x, luxury holidays and nights out, etc etc. It's the entire picture, not a literal avocado on toast on the odd Sunday. Those things add up, I'm sure some people are just in denial about how much they truly waste because if they were to sit down and highlight every luxury expense they'd probably be shocked at just how right the "boomers" are about how young people save these days.