Has anyone seen the latest vlog where he’s at Universal, not as bad as the recent ones but still some strange behaviour.
Again, despite rising number of cases, Tim is still doing park vlogs, despite clearly not wanting to be in the parks. He even mentions the rise in casesit just still baffles me how a family so terrified (and for good reason) of catching the virus are still putting themselves in this position.
Tim mentioned that the CDC have said there is no link between food and the virus - well yeah Tim, why do you think restaurants have been doing takeout since this whole thing started
However, he’s still not going to eat in the parks because he doesn’t want to take his mask off in the park...
...ok fair enough, I (sorta) get that.
but WAIT A MINUTE this means that Tim is spending his whole time in the parks not removing his mask at all! In 100F heat too! There’s been so many people collapsing at the parks because of masks vs the heat, he is probably causing more harm to himself not removing his mask, than taking 5 minutes out in those deserted Rest Zones.
There’s certainly more risk to needing assistance from medics if anything were to happen, compared to being sensible and taking in some air at the designed zones.
Also it’s a not a great example to all your viewers that you are advertising this behaviour.
He also found out that Hogwarts Express is only allowing one party per cabin, which means he would have one to himself.
He seemed shocked (as if it hasn’t been common knowledge for weeks!) as if he didn’t think these sort of precautions are in place - yeah Universal aren’t idiots Tim!
But of course he didn’t ride it...