What was she sectioned for?
Do we believe this? I'm sorry but I'm still in the "talks more shite than ten arses" boat (props to
@PeterPanFan for the best turn of a phrase I've ever heard)
It's really not that simple for a person to be sectioned... It's extremely difficult in fact. Multiple professionals have to sign it off. It isn't as simple as people think.
I've shared before on the Bulley thread, my mum was seriously mentally unwell. One of the many times that she was threatening to end her life and I was young so didn't know what to do.
I phoned her doctor and they said my mum had all the tools and support available to get the help she needed from the crisis team.
I asked if she could be sectioned because I didn't think she was safe and was a danger to herself and they spoke to her on the phone and said no, because she had the human right to refuse it.
What she's saying doesn't seem sincere at all.
Maybe she went in for an emergency assesment and for mum and step-dad to get respite?
Edited for typos (as per usual) but also just to note, this is NOT a woe is me post. This is just my experience of trying to get a loved one sectioned. Had the same experience with a colleague who was suffering so badly with Pica, that we thought she needed to be sectioned but it was the same. People getting sectioned isn't a simple process, so it just doesn't sit right with me. Maybe I'm wrong