What pisses me off is how she puts all parents of a disabled child are like her. The sen community. No. We are not.
There are plenty of single mums from the sen community who don't have carers. With children who qualify. There's mums who don't use transport. They don't chuck their kid to whoever will have them. They don't use a hospice like a dogs kennel so they can jet off.
They don't throw pity parties. They don't post distressing videos.
I can go and on.
I wish she'd stop making out we are all like her.
We are not. I am fed up of you Kathy using us who you never supported or interacted with... and we have never liked you.
Just because you've still a few sen accounts up your are doesn't mean we all do. Doesn't mean you can use the sen community as your get out of jail free card whilst giving us a bad name.
Sick of hearing the pity party for one.
Never in my life have I heard someoneove herself so so much and dislike her life. Let's face it she hates it. She's unhappy. She's quick to use her son to fund her lifestyle but that's all he's good for. Cash. "Fame".
She never should of been a mother. She's no maternal instinct and she's a vile personality.
Shes not so busy when she's travelling to London for her teeth done, or jetting off on yet another holiday, or doing her lip pumping that lasted a week, or getting her gifted hair done, or going on tinderdates , pole dancing, London weekend trips away for cocktails and expensive hotels, personal workouts...
She has a warped idea of life as a parent to a child with complex needs.
Other than his potassium and tube site.... what does she deal with that's so complex? So hard to care for? All I see is a child who can communicate, play, talk, see, hear, move around independently, no seizures, no respiratory needs, no pressure sores, no dystopia or muscle spasms... he doesn't go to the hospice anymore ... so I'd like to know if he actually fits the criteria she keeps using as a pity party.
This is no competition what so ever but how she can post that tit when there are others in harder situations... who haven't got thousands fundraised, a support system.... and even those who do qualify for things but choose not. She takes everything going. Does the bare minimum when she does have her son and yet.... we are supposed to feel sorry for her?
Your not the first and only person to have a child with additional needs Kathy hun. Come shadow me for a week with my son and I'll show you you've nothing to moan about. Get over it.
If you actually looked after your son, kept up to his tube site, got him help when needed, was on the ball making sure people know he's down to his last liner in his wheelchair... if you kept him on his anti reflix medications and stuck to a care plan for longer than a week you'd probably find you wouldn't be in the mess you call your life.