Her stories just screamed serious mental health issues in my opinion. FII (munchasuens by proxy) is often linked with other disorders and those are are often comorbid too. FII is often linked with Bordeline personality disorder but that in itself can co-occur with NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder), Bipolar and HPD (histrionic Personality Disorder). I wonder how many psychiatrists follow her and think of the cluster b disorders on the DSM 5, because shes ticking lots of boxes, google it if you dont know what the DSM 5 is and the cluster b disorders NPD, HPD and BPD. Shes going to be fucked now Jaxons at school and more professionals are involved watching and raising concerns amongst themselves. A so called nurse posting stories comparing children with cancer to those with other conditions, comparing her own friends conditions, comparing different types of wards. What nurse does that?
She also said she was talking to his keira for hours and got distracted. Another example of why she doesnt need keiras, if a continuing healthcare keira starts a shift but spends the first 2 or 3 hours talking away to the parent, that must mean they are providing none or very limited care to the child they are there to provide continuing healthcare too. They're not paid to sit gossiping with the parent for the first few hours of their shift!! Kaytee wants people to believe she needs keiras, that Jason requires 24/7 care and observation yet spends hours talking to the carers when they start their shift. What care was being provided during that time because I bet the kettle was on and they were in the kitchen having a good old chinwag and a brew whilst Jaxon was upstairs in bed.
Shes fake, she cant even pluck up the courage to tell people shes not working as a nurse, what's there to hide if she genuinely cant work anymore. Why not be honest and say what the situation is? Does she not think thousands are wondering why shes gone quiet about nursing when shes "thenursemum'' and based her image on being a nurse. She wont address it because it's her brand, she will just let people gossip instead so she can continue deceiving brands and followers who are too stupid to notice shes a fake