Why is she pulling his tube up his tops? Coming out of his neck, putting strain on the tube site when his tube site is sore
There's no need for it to be like this.
She also feels bad because he's sat right on the edge of his wheelchair seat.... Yes so you should. It isn't the wheelchair clinics fault. You haven't requested him to be reviewed until he's practically falling out the wheelchair. You feel bad.... Yet you've sat him uncomfortably like that instead of using the pushchair you've used for years. That wheelchair hasn't had much use has it really? And when you actually finally use it for its purpose it's too small because you always but JS needs last. Never misses getting her nails doing though.
Waste of money. The amount of money by missing appointments, having equipment she never uses... Yet she bangs on abiut how terrible the NHS is.... Shes got it pretty damn good compared to some areas.
Where's the tubie go bag gone you got gifted kaytee?! Where's the one the NHS supplies everyone with who is tube fed?!? School surely will have said something about giving his feeds bubhanging a feed bag to his wheelchair and his pump chucked in the basket under his chair lol.
Again.... Sadly I think it's to show he's "different".... The tube coming up out of his top... The feeding pump and bag clearly on display.... The using the wheelchair now because he's actually developing and doing loads..... And she thrives off the sympathy....
Constantly talking about his life threatening situations... The talking him abroad for memories because they thought he'd die...
Your son is doing absolutely brilliantly. He's going to end up walking without that walker. He's going to be able to have a full conversation wether that be by makaton or speech... You can tell....
Yet his mother puts him down for playing a game that's too in her words.... Far above his age/development.
Instead of talking negatively and trying so hard to not give him the praise and encouragement he deserves... See he actually can do that game.
Some children never will play that game. You know the same children who actually qualify for continuing care.