This post was written by her in 2018, you all should read it. The person who's fundraiser she never shared was Jaxons paternal grandmothers, because she didnt want to share someones else's fundraiser incase she needed people to give Jaxon and her money.
Nothing has changed with her, she has been asked to share fundraisers for children, but look what shes wrote in that post, yet alot of the parents who have fundraisers for their children have had their messages blanked or was told she would do it another day and it never happened, since she wrote this.
There was a fundraiser for a little boy, it took him months to raise just 8% of the total needed. It took days for Kaytee to hit her target multiple times over for something that was being funded. I've read that post of hers and I think this has always been the plan, get people to share her account so she can ask for money, I think she was waiting for a opportunity to do it, the chair issue came along and that was it, added with the carers issue, she struck gold with having opportunities to make money.
If Kaytee needs a example of why it is clear how ungreatful she is and entitled, the other day when Kaytee was casually telling everyone that she had let Jaxons Hot tub go green, that little boys who's fundraiser took months to hit 8%, gained his angel wings. She may have known he had passed that day, when she was talking about the hot tub, because people she follows were sharing their condolences.
If Kaytee sets up a new fundraiser right now, she will get tens of thousands donated to her again, people will share, her platform will grow rapidly again and she gets new shoes. I think she is quite calculated, recently she shared a donation request and commented that she knows people dont reallybtrust fundraisers anymore but could people donate please. This implies other fundraisers are untrustworthy but people can trust hers. This post she wrote shows how calculated she is when she says she decided not to share a loved ones fundraiser because she wanted peoples money herself.
Sadly, if Kaytee sets up a new fundraiser, people will donate thousands again and quickly. She wont have to wait months, people will share without her having to message them, her messages wouldn't be left unread or she wouldn't be fobbed off. Her platform would grow, she would get more ads, it's a win win situation for her. Shes making a career out of begging.