These days I’m fairly punctual (I wasn’t always) but I used to hate it when I’ve struggled to get somewhere on time for whatever reason completely unconnected to the person I am meeting and then the person has told me that my lateness is because I disrespect them, and made it about them.
No late person is just sat at home thinking yeah I could be on time but
duck them, I’m going to sit here and make them wait…
when I was a kid my mum was often late. For example she finished work with enough time to get to my school at finish time with 5 mins leeway and sometimes she’d be an hour late picking me up (yes the teachers hated it) because she’d decided to go to the supermarket first. It was often a prioritisation issue- eg if there was something to clean eg some washing up and someone waiting for her to pick them up she’d need to clean first. Sometime I’d need to be somewhere and she’d be filling a mop bucket because it’ll only take her a minute to do the floors and they’ll dry while we’re out
Back when I was a teenager it annoyed me, but everything annoyed me, as an adult I can see it’s not about me, it’s her problem.
She lives a fair way away so I don’t arrange to meet her at specific times anyway so it’s not really a problem now, it’s more she’s visiting on x day and expects to arrive within this time window, and is normally here 30 mins after she said she’d be. If she was closer I wouldn’t be arranging to do things at certain times or if I was I’d be telling her to meet me earlier, or I’d meet her at hers so I could say no, we don’t have time to mop the floors, no leave that mug till later, we need to leave…
Basically this is a long way of saying if someone is late it’s generally not about you or a conscious choice, and if you do have a constantly late person in your life and you’re not adjusting your expectations then you’re only winding yourself up.
I’d say those stories today again show a lack of coping skills.