This is the part that frustrates me... in almost all jobs you’re held accountable for your actions, many industries are regulated and held to professional standards and regular feedback and appraisals are given. If she wants to monetise her Instagram she’s not above feedback, criticism and being called out especially when she’s trying to encourage people to pay for a service she’s not remotely qualified to deliver.
She has, over time, been deliberately deceitful about not declaring ads and she’s obviously made a conscious decision to buy a new house with the pound signs wide and bright in her eyes. Let’s not forget her foray into becoming some sort of design guru offering freelance work she has literally zero experience or qualifications in.
The whole “if you don’t like me unfollow me” is all very well when it’s a small, personal account, but when it’s a large account, being shared by other large accounts, sponsoring posts into feeds that don’t follow you that attitude doesn’t wash.
If she wants to monetise her account and go on like a spoiled child spitting the dummy she can... and as for being happy? There’s clearly something more lacking in her life than there is in ours if she needs the validation of strangers on Instagram. Seeing someone mention her hubby is a PO above explains so much... they’re not the most faithful bunch!