VIP Member
Totally agree, it’s grief tourism and I’d go so far to say she’s exploiting Erin. Like you say, dangling a carrot to keep those followers hooked. Poor Erin, she was so genuine and straightforward too.I totally agree with this. She is drip feeding followers, dangling the carrot like she did with the ‘missing 48 hours’ video - when in reality the only thing that happened here was that Erin became severely distressed and had to be sedated a few times.
I am all for raising awareness but I also think a line is being crossed here from awareness to grief voyeurism. Is it really in anyone’s best interest to know intimate details about Erin in her last 24 hours?
She reminds me of the typical know it all, I’m right you’re wrong character you’d end up with as a colleague. Not actually that smart but thinks they know best on any topic. I reckon she’s absolutely exhausting to be around and likes the sound of her voice a little too much!
We’ll know she reads here if she changes her pyjamas