The Witt Family #9 She moans at home, She moans when away, Claire's only happy on a date night with Gray

She seemed more concerned with Graham not being able to do the school run, why doesn’t she help out in the shop if she’s bored in her current employment, I’m sure she’ll be able to pick her own hours,she’ll be thinking ahead to summer when they can’t just take off now there’s the added responsibility of a shop as well as the farm to see to.
Had to laugh in one of her replies to a YouTube comment, she said “I’ve been working in the shop on all my days off” yes Claire welcome to full time work rather than the ‘two half days’ (which actually equates to 2x three hour shifts 😂)
I can see the shop taking up a lot of Graham’s time, just when she was hoping he’d cut back his working week, surprised they’re still doing the markets aswell…Why doesn’t she clear out the gym and make it a teen space she barely uses it with going to her normal gym , she said Alister loves it in there.
I can see the shop taking up a lot of Graham’s time, just when she was hoping he’d cut back his working week, surprised they’re still doing the markets aswell…Why doesn’t she clear out the gym and make it a teen space she barely uses it with going to her normal gym , she said Alister loves it in there.
That poor man has the weight of the world on his shoulders.