The Witt Family #9 She moans at home, She moans when away, Claire's only happy on a date night with Gray

She eats non stop herself throughout the day , I’ve noticed she doesn’t show the kids meals as much anymore.

She’s skipped over the comment about the rabbits again, I bet they’ve died or she’s sold them all.
Yup salmon fancy cold meats etc. She won’t show the kids now cos she knows she under feeds them! She’s a greedy selfish witch that thinks only of hersel and her man, her kids are an inconvenience!
I watched the vlog with the Aldi haul, moaning about Alaster who ate the mango chunks, then she said I'm having these, why not buy more than one packet🤷‍♀️ Then moaning about the cost of buying clothes for her kids, then in the next bit, her and Graham go order new furniture (probably a couple of thousand worth) go to Nandos and an ice cream place, she's really coming across as very unlikeable and selfish.
She spends a fortune on herself the only cutbacks are on groceries for the kids and clothing, I’m sure A&V would like some of the branded items she buys for herself instead of Primark basics, how many NorthFace jackets does one person need? Not including the rest 🙄
Like I said the amount she consumes throughout the day is 3 times what she feeds those kids and she has the gall to complain about them eating some fruit.