The Runner Beans

Thanks I stand corrected! It wasn’t meant to offend you so my apologies. But would you agree that their marketing suggests they are targeting a specific crowd? The beans collab isn’t that surprising because her following seems to fit the bill of a target population. So I guess that is what I tried to say…. Although I must say I was surprised to see how many people in the comments said they had the tread.
No you’re all good and sorry if I was snappy! It’s that monthly time I get a bit grouchy 🤦🏽‍♀️
I think for her it is. She has a treadmill in the unused garden gym already. Why does she need the peloton one?! As above, she barely uses the app… I imagine she wants it for #content.
(We have the bike and tread, paid our own fair money for them like yourself. I agree for us it’s different, but for her I think otherwise!)
Yeah you’re absolutely right! It’s a beg or for her it’s an unnecessary need when she has a working treadmill already! It’s just her being her isn’t it
What I don't get is why was she making a big deal about not seeing average runners in carbon plated shoes and they are marketed at elites. Has she not seen Kellog's feed 😆 with a string of carbon shoes and some far from elite running (accept for in Kel's own head). Just open your eyes at any parkrun or official event and there are plenty of non elites in carbon shoes! Half the under 16s in my son's club wear them for bog standard weekly training let alone actual events. That struck me as a hook to try and brands to gift her carbon shoes to try as an "average runner".
People have BQed by jeffing before, including Jeff Galloway's son, but it would be very hard and you'd need to be a fast runner in the first place to be able to do it.

Obviously there are always exceptions but for most people, a 3:20 is a hard effort, that is not going to be achieved with several walk breaks. And to train for that you need to learn to sustain a hard effort.
Obviously there are always outliers, but for most people it would be a poor method for a good time.
I know she is only part time in the NHS but how many vacation days does she get? If you combine holidays plus all the time off to run 5ks around the world? I am already scrambling how to fit in proper holidays and the odd long weekend.
I think she said she only works one day a week! I work part time and the companies I have worked for have always been really good about letting me change days or work longer hours which allows me to be flexible with my time off, maybe the NHS are the same?
She mentioned the Maldives in a comment on her peloton post.

Influencing + being married to a pilot = ££££

She’s from a very wealthy family even besides that, went to boarding school, when she first started running she paid a personal trainer to run with her! Surrogacy must have cost £100k atleast. Totally unaware of her own priveledge.
She’s from a very wealthy family even besides that, went to boarding school, when she first started running she paid a personal trainer to run with her! Surrogacy must have cost £100k atleast. Totally unaware of her own priveledge.
She was asked how much her surrogacy cost in a question box a few months ago and she said it was £150k
Happy new year guys let’s buckle up. She is off to California for Disney 10k and half marathon next week, followed by Hong Kong and Thailand end of the month and then of course there is an international spring marathon coming up.
What the F actual planet does she live on?! How come she need to put A/L approval in for a spring marathon but can apparently have most of Jan off no bother (and most of December it seemed?!).
Woman's an absolute joke.