The Runner Beans

She regrets not dropping her son off at nursery sooner to "make the most" of her time before working her very part-time job?? I drop my kids off at the last possible minute to make the most of my time WITH them.
And yet she was swanning about in London last night for a Brooks shoe launch
I am really surprised she’s going in for baby #2. It’s not that hard to work in personal hobbies and a husband working away with 1 child as you can usually get someone to look after them, so she complains a lot about a problem that doesn’t really exist given the amount of help she must have for her frequent child free jollies.

Finding someone to sit 2 small children is a much bigger ask, especially if her mum is unwell. And you certainly can’t go on the kind of uninterrupted buggy runs she wants with 2.
what I find surprising how she finds this much childcare given all the trips to London, PR trips, weekends away etc. Most people I know would struggle. I don’t think they have a nanny but maybe they do and she doesn’t talk about it as it would undermine the work/ mum/ running narrative she is trying to build.
I took it more as a comment that she's away from her kid this weekend, and will be next weekend? I mean a mother doesn't have to be 24/7 with her kid but she has a lot of child free time for a toddler mum. Yet she doesn't seem to appreciate being with her child when she is.
Hahaha I didn’t even clock that 😂. If there’s not a nanny now, pretty sure there will be if/when no. 2 arrives.
What’s the point in asking her followers to pick her pair of race shoes from a selection worth over £1k? she is so clueless

This infuriated me. Those pairs can't all be equal in terms of the support and size, and some must fit her feet and running style better. So just wear those? But no, ask your followers to choose, based on looks instead 🤦 With the added benefit of *accidentally* bragging about your shoe collection.
Surely this is just another fishing exercise aka tagging all the brands in the hope one of them will bite and gift her some free stuff. Clearly Berlin was Westin gifted entry, so much is clear from the story before the shoes.
The qualified dietician is all set to carb load on pop tarts 🤯

Honestly - her carb loading is full of tit! She eats so much processed junk - I always get slated on here for criticising her diet but it’s really bad! I’d get the shits big time if I ate all that stuff before a marathon. I have no idea how she calls herself a dietitian - must have been the weirdest qualification ever!