@NonDairyQueen well, I don’t think any tenants have a right or in normal instances the knowledge how their landlord spends his income out of the rent? They might find it
crappy but than who is letting their boss decide how to spend their pay check? The Dutchy money she spends (if this is even true) id basically her tax-return money from it.
BUT the whole reason she has this dukedom money at her disposal is because she is in the uber privileged position that the UK entertains a monarchy. I do think if you want to keep the role as a head of state and have been able to build up substantial private wealth through it over generations the expectations for your behaviour are quite high. She is not the first HoS that used the power/money of the position to protect/help/support the relatives. But let’s face it, she is doing it on a larger scale just because it goes on for decades. Many antics have been shut down but this is a private decision, she is entitled to make but the whole instances of the reality of her situation open her up to massive criticism by doing so. I find it hard to fall on one side of the discussion because both sides have valid and good arguments.
I do think Andrew will get away with a black eye in the legal department. His public perception is dead though and will never recover. Let’s hope someone sits HMTQ down and gives her a slap of reality. If anyone can bring the monarchy close to abolishment atm it’s Andrew and her actions of open support (not talking about meeting with him for tea, church or riding but money and official business). It’s her job to protect the crown and be of service to the UK. If she feels she cannot do it anymore in the capacity a 21th century crown and UK need it it’s time to step back. Stepping back can be an act of service as well.
Also, no one can convince me that Andrew does not have substantial private wealth at his disposal. There must be some well hidden trust funds in his name. Or art. Or antiques. No way are he, Fergie (and two daughters) living completely off money from the Queen. What about the chalet they are finally selling? His half of it could have been seized. He must have had some inheritances over the years (PP, QM). If it’s things, make him sell it (I am sure the family would buy it up). He dabbled in various business schemes, which I am sure he didn’t do exactly for free.