You make a lot of valid points that gives food for thought, but I always thought Diana WAS emotionally intelligent in the way she gelled with people and how she behaved with the vulnerable or the "outcasts" for want of a better word e.g aids victims. It was also reported many years ago that Diana would confide a lot in William when he was a small boy and that when she was crying in the bathroom he would try and push kleenex tissues under the door for her. If it's true then she was putting a big burden on a young boy and maybe that has made him somewhat melancholy.
The description of what was expected of Diana sounds suspiciously like Kate, I wonder if her Mother had prepared her for that with the attitude, "let him shag around luv, royals are like that, but only you will be the Queen and you can spit in his tarts' faces" or something like that......
yeh I’ve heard that story about William too. Now, we’d call that abuse and parentification. Harry himself in his book refers to her as an absent parent.
she was pretty much a kid herself in difficult circumstances when she became a mother. I don’t think she ever has the emotional tools to be a good mother to be honest. It’s definitely contributed to the continued dysfunction in that family.
I can FULLY imagine Carole saying that to Kate lol. The ideal royal woman IS Kate. Demure, chaste, no big opinions, no real outside interests or pursuits. Decorative.
it drives me crazy when people call her a huge asset to William, saying he “chose well” (because Kate is obviously passive and incapable of choice herself). She’s loved by people precisely because she fits into old school, misogynistic, patriarchal ideals. I don’t dislike her, but I hate how she’s held up as a standard for women to aspire to and as an ideal. A representative for the U.K. - when nothing about her embodies modern, democratic, feminist ideals.
Kate’s whole identity is based on her relationship to William and as a mother. She’s known for being his girlfriend then wife. She’s celebrated in her role as his wife. She’s applauded for being a mother. She’s never pursued a career. She’s never stuck her head above the parapet for anything.
no one knows much about her education or pursuits or personality beyond that. Or cares either.
that’s what I dislike so much about the monarchy. It demands women, in particular, to be voiceless, sexless and submissive.
the most controversial thing I think Kate has ever done in her life, is go to that Sarah Everard vigil in Clapham that was essentially banned, to leave flowers.
In all honesty I’m surprised it’s not William that came out of the divorce as the more messed up brother. Saying that, I think he was old enough to see both sides and appreciate that neither of his parents were saints or the devil. Despite only being a couple of years younger, at that age the maturity differences can be vast and I think Harry just wasn’t old enough to see his mother as anything other than his amazing angelic figure that waltzed around his life offering all the fun stuff whilst his Dad was the more serious one who provided the more “boring” activities etc. I mean, most 12 year olds would prefer the parent who is lax with discipline, sneaks you out to McDonald’s and openly encourages rule breaking compared to the serious parent who is always in meetings and takes you away to a old fusty castle in the country
I think William probably is very messed up. He just doesn’t show it publicly, or it’s not as obvious.
I had a pretty immature, narcissist mother who emotionally dumped on me at a young age. Outwardly, I seemed like a well adjusted, well behaved, composed, thoughtful kid. But kids aren’t supposed to be like that, like mini adults. In reality I was way too serious for my age, found it difficult to let go and live in the moment and was very stressed and upset about adult situations I had no control over.
ive gone to therapy to tackle a lot of the emotional pain and maladaptive coping mechanisms that come from being raised by a parent like that. I strongly suspect William has not.
maybe this is controversial, but I suspect William (like myself) found it difficult to let his guard down and emotionally connect with people. He started dating Kate and she kinda hung around, never complaining, despite the on-off nature of the relationship. She moulded her life to him and as such, became the “safe” option for him to marry. Because his choice of wife has never been a fully personal choice. It’s a political choice too, a matter of state. I’m sure he loves her - but when they were first engaged I thought their interview was uncomfortable and weird.
when Harry mentioned in his book he had no idea William was going to propose, and mentioned how drunk he got the night before… I got the sense this was a man who didn’t want to marry Kate but likely knew she was the best fit for him given his circumstances.
I reckon he’ll have a mistress, at some point. Someone who he connects with on a much deeper emotional level. She’ll be hidden away and the public may not ever find out. Kate will turn a blind eye because, well, what choice does she have? Divorce would mean losing her HRH status, custody of her children and a battle against the BP pr machine.
I haven't read this thread for many weeks, but so many if you would be more than welcome to join in the Harry and Meghan thread, as we are all like minded and very friendly.
I used to love Harry, and was really happy for him when he'd found a wife. But the cracks began to show when Meghan only invited her mum to the wedding, and cut off her father. Then their popularity started to nose dive as they botched one thing after another.
He is very jealous of his brother, and I feel as though he'd always hoped to marry someone like Catherine. Unfortunately, Meghan couldn't be further from what Catherine is.
I always got the sense the Harry/Meghan thread was very pro monarchy though?
Plus the amount of times she kept collapsing to the floor!
I too, collapse on the floor at minor inconveniences and when nobody has asked me if I’m ok… let’s not judge. She was only a grown woman in her 30s now.