Gaffes like this have happened before, about other people, too. Someone accidentally published whilst editing and well...
The fail also accidentally published articles on court cases declaring a false win or loss, because they expected one outcome and had articles ready for both, but who published clicked too fast.
BP has now launched an investigation. Conveniently, the bullies are no longer with BP.
Most hilarious when companies launch investigations and then find everything to be just dandy, when everyone knows it's not and those at fault left the building already, so any consequence is already dead in the water.
I watched several great docus on Ed and Wallis.
The establishment had many problems with Ed, some ridiculous, some serious.
On the serious front was the Nazi plan. No, not his Nazi love (which most people of the Establishment were guilty of, plus media etc), but the plan that the establishment got wind of Hitler invading Britain and Ed ruling under that (and Ed being perfectly fine with this). Germany invading Britain was unacceptable and that was the gravest "Nazi problem", not the support of the movement within Germany per se.
Their problem with Wallis was just that Wallis was friends with various people and they were afraid of pillow talk and that reaching outsiders (eg Wallis seeing the red boxes and blabbing etc). That was their biggest problem with Wallis and that was mostly a small fish to fry.
Their biggest problems, with today's eyes easily deemed ridiculous (frankly, even then anyone with a heart would deem them ridiculous), were Ed's "eccentricities", like dressing too awfully for the golf course (actually quite similar to today's golf attire, back then it was... gauche), him shaking hands with the working class (no one shook hands back then and even Liz only started to shake hands after Diana did so), him wanting to visit working class people (in the docu comparisons were drawn with Diana, same with the question by Liz to Diana why she'd want to see all these ill people and not do "nicer things"), criticising the living and health conditions the working class was subject to (wanting to improve these areas) and all this was sticking his nose where it didn't belong and threatening the status quo. In some areas, like these, he would've made a pretty fine and revolutionary king.
He also didn't want to host the archbishop of Canterbury on his holiday (at Sandringham) as was tradition, saying it's his holiday, why should he work by socializing and entertaining work mates (to put it simply), which frankly I can't fault him for having this attitude.
The establishment was appalled and they had the Yorks host the archbishop, which the Yorks happily did.
The major problem here, though, was that this effectively created a shadow court and the Yorks cosplaying king and queen and setting up their court with the help of the establishment, as they then proceeded to do more things like a shadow court. Everyone was aware of this, no one was an innocent. This is also why it's always whispered that Liz the qm helped get rid of Ed (i.e. helping with his abdication).
And well, misogyny being what it is and the establishment needing a reason to give the public for the abdication, Wallis was put forward as reason.
They could hardly say: "Ed's caring for the working class doesn't gel with us and even though we like Hitler and his party we can't have him invade Britain, so the king has to go."
There are letters surviving which she wrote to her ex-husband explicitly saying that she didn't want to marry Ed and she was happy as is and how miserable marriage would be. She had no choice after the abdication.
There are fantastic docus on YouTube, they aired on the BBC and elsewhere, letters are shown etc. I was quite shocked when I learnt this because the Nazi narrative is so strong and no one wants to say these days that so many of the upper class and the establishment were anti-Semites and in favour of Hitler.
Remember the video of Liz the qm, Margaret and Lizzie doing the Nazi salute?
I mean, fine, kids are kids, but Liz the queen mum was an adult and fully knew what was going on and what she was doing.