Princess Royal - what a gal!Drat, George IV, not VI!
And, to keep it on subject, the Scottish Police Memorial is also sited in the grounds of Tulliallan Castle, opened by the Princess Royal on 7 September 2004. The earliest names date from 1812.
She was late from her previous engagement but the local cops in charge of actual operational policing for the occasion brushed it off as they said that her engagements always slipped due to her speaking to everyone and not being rushed through. After the formalities of the opening ceremony, she ignored the assembled guests in the VIP tent and made sure that she spoke to every bereaved family about their loved one commemorated on the Memorial. She went far beyond what she had to do and seemed to really empathise. If course, her attempted kidnapping years ago could go have gone very wrong and luckily neither her bodyguard nor members of the public who came to assist were killed despite being wounded by the gunman.
Anne is my idea of an ‘empowered’ woman.
Yes, hugely privileged but she was born into that so put that aside.
Throughout her adult life, she has undertaken a significant workload of commitments for the benefit of others en masse & seen this though without any performative bollocks.
If Meghan had any substance, wit or credibility, she’d be busting her bits to have Anne as an archetype of a warrior woman.
But we all know that can never happen as Smegz is not up to any job anytime anywhere, & also Anne would never touch such performative stuff with a barge pole