The Radford family #62 Sue "Dis-ney" care about education, it's all about the Florida vacation..

If Katie has a place, that answers my question about Ellie having her own room! But why keep given the big rooms to a single person?! In theory 9 rooms available between 17, give the oldest boys the rooms in the basement, the three eldest girls at home, Ellie , Aimee and Tillie the boxrooms and then the little girls can share a big room and the youngest boys!
And where is this spare room for Grannie (with an ie)? Did they throw out the mystery child? (Can’t remember the name of that one 🤣)
ah, but it's always the elder teen girls who are given their own room. it's a reward for when they find a boyfriend, so Suie can encourage sleepovers. her aim, as always, is to get her daughter's pregnant as early as possible, so they can fulfil her expectations that they dedicate their life to adding to the Radford "grandchildren and counting..." total. 🙄
ah, but it's always the elder teen girls who are given their own room. it's a reward for when they find a boyfriend, so Suie can encourage sleepovers. her aim, as always, is to get her daughter's pregnant as early as possible, so they can fulfil her expectations that they dedicate their life to adding to the Radford "grandchildren and counting..." total. 🙄
Seems to have worked so far.
It’s the most boring pram imaginable anyway, plain, dull and grey like their brains.
When it’s your first it feels lovely to get your first expensive pram then when you grow up you realise you fcked up and should’ve got second hand and pocketed the savings as it isn’t for very long that you use them. Let’s not dull the shine for katee as it’s her parents making namely her mother for spending and being a general child in a sweetshop. Grey is because she is probably planning her second already and pink goes really well with grey. Imagine the extra bedrooms the council will give her when the children are different sexes.
She really is so child like. Saying oooh isn't it beautiful. It's a pram. Prams are useful but not beautiful. She really is one stupid woman.
For someone who is pram obsessed and has probably owned 30+ prams she only seems to talk about the way they look. If I were a first time mum looking for recommendations I wouldn't want to know how beautiful they are, I want to know that they're safe, comfortable, adaptable, easy to fold up and down, relatively lightweight, can fit in the boot of a regular car and through doorways, etc. Having a beautiful pram won't do Katie any good when she's dragging it up a flight of stairs or trying to shove it in the boot with all her groceries
For someone who is pram obsessed and has probably owned 30+ prams she only seems to talk about the way they look. If I were a first time mum looking for recommendations I wouldn't want to know how beautiful they are, I want to know that they're safe, comfortable, adaptable, easy to fold up and down, relatively lightweight, can fit in the boot of a regular car and through doorways, etc. Having a beautiful pram won't do Katie any good when she's dragging it up a flight of stairs or trying to shove it in the boot with all her groceries

Yes exactly this! I also have a bit of a pram obsession, I get more excited about them I would a car 😅 but like you I research the models to find the best fit for our family, whether it fits in the boot, we live rurally so need one good for muddy and bumpy ground etc.
Bugaboo’s are so chunky and heavy, no good if you live in a flat or need to fit it in a small car.
When we went for prams for our 2 the decision was based on .......hubby is the driver so said pram had to fit in boot along with a weekly shop but as a non-driver that was taking buses to the shops ,friends etc I had to be able to hold, fold & carry said pram plus baby on & off buses.
Plus with baby no 1 we lived in a one bedroom flat with every little room in the hall to store it .Lucky it was ground floor no doors to open as well.
When it’s your first it feels lovely to get your first expensive pram then when you grow up you realise you fcked up and should’ve got second hand and pocketed the savings as it isn’t for very long that you use them. Let’s not dull the shine for katee as it’s her parents making namely her mother for spending and being a general child in a sweetshop. Grey is because she is probably planning her second already and pink goes really well with grey. Imagine the extra bedrooms the council will give her when the children are different sexes.

I doubt Katie is thinking of the practicality of the colour for the next baby. They’ll probably buy a different pram when they have their 2nd. New pram for a new baby, isn’t that what the Radfords do? Gotta fill that landfill.
I doubt Katie is thinking of the practicality of the colour for the next baby. They’ll probably buy a different pram when they have their 2nd. New pram for a new baby, isn’t that what the Radfords do? Gotta fill that landfill.
i'm sure that all the girls will expect their husband/boyfriend to buy them a new pram for each new pregnancy - they grew up thinning that choosing a new pram was the reward for getting pregnant, as Sue was always manically excited that Noel would treat her - just as much a Radfraud tradition as having as many children as possible, and one that I have no doubt the girls will expect to continue. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I’ve posted similar before but as someone with anxiety I’m actually jealous of the Radfords! Now don’t get this confused with being envious of them. I am jealous of them for the fact they don’t care about the impact of having 21 children, they don’t care about having a career or buying a house or worrying about giving equal attention to all the children or how they’re going to pay for the necessities. The ONLY reason none of them are shaking in a corner with stress and worry about their ever expanding numbers is purely because they don’t have the intelligence to even consider the ramifications of their actions. It’s the youngest radford kids I feel bad for, by the time they’re adults they will have dozens and dozens AND DOZENS of nieces and nephews/cousins - the family is only going to get bigger and bigger to the point that people will be forgotten about and with Morecambe being a low socioeconomic place I wouldn’t be surprised if a number turn to drugs to deal with it all and a lot of accident inbreeding happens in the future. Their spending is insane and soon they will run out of money and have debt collectors after them and nothing to show for it. Truly disturbing 😳
I’ve posted similar before but as someone with anxiety I’m actually jealous of the Radfords! Now don’t get this confused with being envious of them. I am jealous of them for the fact they don’t care about the impact of having 21 children, they don’t care about having a career or buying a house or worrying about giving equal attention to all the children or how they’re going to pay for the necessities. The ONLY reason none of them are shaking in a corner with stress and worry about their ever expanding numbers is purely because they don’t have the intelligence to even consider the ramifications of their actions. It’s the youngest radford kids I feel bad for, by the time they’re adults they will have dozens and dozens AND DOZENS of nieces and nephews/cousins - the family is only going to get bigger and bigger to the point that people will be forgotten about and with Morecambe being a low socioeconomic place I wouldn’t be surprised if a number turn to drugs to deal with it all and a lot of accident inbreeding happens in the future. Their spending is insane and soon they will run out of money and have debt collectors after them and nothing to show for it. Truly disturbing 😳
I would so much rather have a few (5 in my case) well brought up children, who behave well socially, are encouraged to succeed academically and grow up to get good jobs, see a bit of life before settling down, successful happy relationships, and generally all round decent, caring, adults who give back to society as well as taking from it. There's so many Radfords, a new baby is not an event, there's the obligatory social media posts about how much they all love it, but it soon gets kicked aside and forgotten in the rush to get the next Radford cooking. It's tragic. Can you imagine the population of Morecambe in 30 years time, when there's hundreds of great grandkids as well. The rat faced look will become the Morecambe look