The JonBenét Ramsey Case.

I don’t think they’d had needed to stage the crime scene if BDI, they had enough money for good representation etc to make sure it was only ever recorded as an accident/normal sibling row gone wrong. There was just simply no need for the rest of it all, and I don’t think any injuries she had would have indicated obvious CSA if they weren’t looking for it so no need to cover it up for that reason either.

I go back and forth on the parents vs intruder, but the parents had hours to stage the scene etc potentially. If they’d done it, I can’t help feeling they’d have got rid of JB’s body, if they were that cold blooded they’d do the paintbrush and garrotte, I find it hard to believe they wouldn’t go the whole way - even if they did leave her somewhere easily found ultimately. Similarly if they were covering for Burke tbh.
Whenever I see pictures/video of her all dressed up, it makes me so angry. Why would anyone do that to a little girl, let alone their own mum? I hate those pagents, they disgust me.

Worst thing I saw was a girl dressed in the Pretty Woman hooker outfit.. and the judges loved it. I would be investigating those people!

The pagent industry must be a really sick world. Glad it's never taken off much here as far as I know?
I don’t think they’d had needed to stage the crime scene if BDI, they had enough money for good representation etc to make sure it was only ever recorded as an accident/normal sibling row gone wrong. There was just simply no need for the rest of it all, and I don’t think any injuries she had would have indicated obvious CSA if they weren’t looking for it so no need to cover it up for that reason either.

I go back and forth on the parents vs intruder, but the parents had hours to stage the scene etc potentially. If they’d done it, I can’t help feeling they’d have got rid of JB’s body, if they were that cold blooded they’d do the paintbrush and garrotte, I find it hard to believe they wouldn’t go the whole way - even if they did leave her somewhere easily found ultimately. Similarly if they were covering for Burke tbh.

I just cant say either way who I think did it, literally every bit of evidence in this case can be interpreted any way. Every expert on this case is being paid to come up with evidence that supports the payer's side.


The abuse
she was taken to the doctors 27 times with vaginitis, evidence of CSA (abrasions), hymen disruption (I.E Oh look, she's sexually abused!)
Ramseys: she was not abused, here's a redacted autopsy (I.E she was not abused at all! how dare you suggest that)
Truth: she was taken to the doctors 27 times, with vaginitis once, the rest either yearly check ups or coughs\colds\a fall at a market etc. Her paediatrician had full and detailed notes. She had bed wetting issues. she was abused during the crime but it was unclear if it had happened before (I.E not historically)

The window
absolutely no sign of forced entry (first officer who visited and in subsequent reports) (I.E it must be someone in the house)
Ramseys: We think we locked up last night but we cant be sure. John smashed a window last year?
Truth: No one knows if the house was secured and a window was smashed then feasibly and intruder could have put their hand through and unlatched, gaining access. Some how police missed this in their initial searches as well as a body in the basement

The ransom
Police in interviews including Linda Arndt:
Notably the Ramsey's didn't mention that the ransom window had closed and no call came in, Jon was cordial and relaxed (very suspicious!)
Police report from Lina Arndt, detective on scene: (summarising) : I arrived on scene 8am-ish. John Ramsey ran into the den any time the phone rang and informed me each time that it wasn't the kidnappers, we had a recorder set up on that phone. John was anxious and i had to give him a job to calm him down (that's when he found the body)
Truth: they didn't even know when the call was to come in. It said 'between x and Y hours tomorrow' so it could have meant the next day, John collaborated with the detectives in setting up the recorder on the house phone

The evidence
the Ramsey's wont collaborate, they wont be interviewed, they wont give us their clothes, bank statements, phone records etc (ooh suspicious)
Ramseys: we have been advised not to speak by our lawyers, and anyway they haven't even asked! (I.E the police are suspicious AND incompetent!)
Truth: the DA's office wouldn't authorise the police to interview the Ramsey's, they wouldn't approve phone record collection or bank statements.
I originally thought Burke Ramsey had killed her accidentally in a fit of sibling jealousy and they the parents covered it up. Having watched the recent documentary I believe it was a paedophile that followed the pageants. Broke into the house during the afternoon and stayed in the basement until they were asleep. She was a very pretty little girl who was made up to look like a little woman - a pweirdo’s dream.
It did also seem very weird how the police appeared to entirely dismiss the girl who also went to JB’s dance school and had appeared in shows with her being assaulted by someone who broke into her house as being related. Even if they were entirely separate, it’s such a rare crime to happen that you’d think it would be a real line of inquiry for them even if the police believed it was going to be totally different just so they could later say “we followed it up”.

I agree that everything we hear from experts is weighted massively towards one side or another and it’s hard sometimes to work out the truth behind it all.
Also not sure if it’s been discussed here before, but the Ramsays claim that there were in excess of 15 spare house keys out in the world - they claim that friends / housekeepers and other staff had keys and didn’t seem very security conscious! If true, it’s possible that the killer may have spent a prolonged period in their home without their knowledge, prior to the night she was killed. If he was that “comfortable” there, it would be easy enough to navigate the house for the purpose of molesting and murdering Jonbenet on Christmas night.
Also not sure if it’s been discussed here before, but the Ramsays claim that there were in excess of 15 spare house keys out in the world - they claim that friends / housekeepers and other staff had keys and didn’t seem very security conscious! If true, it’s possible that the killer may have spent a prolonged period in their home without their knowledge, prior to the night she was killed. If he was that “comfortable” there, it would be easy enough to navigate the house for the purpose of molesting and murdering Jonbenet on Christmas night.
Indeed, I think the killer was sneaking in and out of the house multiple times in the lead up to the crime. Becoming familiar with the layout. The families movements etc. They were likely getting pleasure of feeling close to JB and her family and were obsessed with her. They planned to kidnap her (and perhaps had even convinced themselves that they would be bringing her back) but then went off piste and assaulted her and ultimately killed her in the basement 💔
One of the early suspects (who was cleared I have to add) was a man called Bill McReynolds who played Santa locally (he was a professor in his day job) and was familiar with the family. He had played Santa at the Ramsey's Christmas party that year and had done 2 other local parties JB was at.

Jonbenet told a play friends Mum on the 23rd Dec that Santa had told her that he was coming after Christmas to give her a 'secret' present. This woman of course reported that to the police and an investigation happened.

Here's the creepy part. Bill McReynolds was reportedly given a pot of glitter by JB sometime before she died and he kept it as a talisman for an heart operation he was having in the future. Even weirder he then asked for the glitter to be mixed with his ashes when he died and sprinkled with them. He is on record saying that he felt closer to Jb than he had any other child. Whilst having his own kids and grandkids.

If you think about how someone could lure her out of her room, Santa would do it.
This will be incredible if it checks out

“In the wake of the explosive Netflix documentary about the decades-old case, JonBenet Ramsey's father John has received a letter from a woman claiming her ex-husband is his daughter's killer. Speaking to Daily Mail, John Ramsey said he immediately followed up on the tip, but is yet to hear back from the mystery sender.”

Been reading through this thread in the wake of watching the Netflix doc, but have been familiar with this case for a long time. I really hope that there can be a new investigation and better testing carried out with today’s technology. The genealogy database could prove to be a godsend as in other historical cases IF the DNA is credible and not contaminated by the crime scene being completely unsecured for hours after the murder.

I think the media have so much to answer for with the spread of misinformation from the onset and whatever your final opinion of the family their treatment was appalling. Even if they were/are guilty the media circus jeopardised the case along with sheer police incompetence at times.

I remain hopeful that a fresh look at this case actually see it solved once and for all and some kind of justice can prevail.