Sarah you could easily help seaside by spending some of that money you appear to have to do stupid things like a three month holiday in Dubai and lie you are residents, because if you were and provided proof of that then no NHS appointments because people let the nhs know you left to stop you doing what you have. Maybe you’ll be getting a bill from them too but I doubt it. I digress, it’s people like you disappearing everywhere else that’s why seaside towns are dying. No one wants to spend. Want fish and chips, then buy them at the front to help support local business.
After all you don’t mind supporting Shein with their child labour, the stupid thick gnome you married with his childish bloody ideas and disappearing all the time.
I know your husband will have words said to him. Their words, tell the stupid thick gnome to grow a pair and get over it. He did it. He knows, you know, we all bloody know.
It annoys me when people visit where I live and whine about costs and how much cheaper it is abroad and isn’t like the olden days. Well it won’t be will it? We’ve lost nearly all services. Our rents are set by the useless senedd who’ve no idea what they are doing and people need to change more to survive as a consequence.
Oh and as you all HATE the UK why act like you care?
And stop having bloody kids and look after and raise what you have properly - healthcare, education and jobs. And no I don’t mean homeschool or being an ‘influencer’ cos the aforementioned stupid thick gnome you married and stuck by has ensured that will NEVER happen.
No reason why an 18/19 year old can’t make her own bloody fish and chips either and I doubt there wasn’t a pub IN DUBAI that couldn’t make them.