Out of curiosity I had a look and in the first season of Reign Mary Queen of Scots is 15, her ladies in waiting are a similar age. One of those "ladies" is groomed into having an affair with the King of France, who looks in his 40's, and becomes his mistress. There's a lot of men pressuring young women into sex, and lots of sex scenes (sans nudity). There's conversations with innuendo by the young women in the cast. Also a scene of those young women about to be SA'd by a group of men in one episode
I totally get why Creepy likes it, but what I don't understand is how he can watch it with his young children around. It's inappropriate, and while I get it's probably ok for Esme to watch (but if I was watching it with my daughter at that age I'd use it to start a conversation afterwards, I'd try to instill in her why it's not ok for young women to be pressured into relationships, or sex, I used to, and still do, use things like this as learning tools), it's definitely NOT ok for Isla whatsoever though. Yes I agree that children should be taught about sex ect from a suitable age, but this show portrays women in a very submissive (to men) light. I know that's the way society was back then but it's not now, and i know it's just entertainment, but kids are impressionable. I was happy to watch shows like this with my daughter but only when she got to an age where I felt she could understand it wasn't real, and women shouldn't be treated secondary to men, and their wants/needs. I can really see the opposite happening with the Minghams.
The fact the watch this "as a family" is ridiculous. There are thousands of more suitable things they could engage in viewing, Sarah is an absolute cretin for thinking this is ok, and not only that but gleefully sharing it to all and sundry that she watches a hypersexualised show in which borderline underage females are abused by much older men. I would feel very uncomfortable watching this with an eleven year old. I just wouldn't do it.