New for the pow wow sooooper doooper ' insane' bollocks that is the Ingham Family Vlog
That bullshit story in tonight's crapfest,
I do not know where to start with the levels of incompetence displayed tonight. Firstly the way they rambled on, talking over each other wow! Just drivel. Isobelle slurs all the time. It was painful to listen to. The story was alarming and confirmed what many tattlers know about these trips. The trips are ill advised, they know nothing about extreme weather preparation and his confidence in driving a large, heavy vehicle is misplaced. If that truck, starts slipping he will not only
tit himself like last time, he will kill them all.
The Arctic is no place for the 3 little ones, what on earth do the toddlers get out of these types of holiday??? it's too cold and has nothing for them to see, do or enjoy. They are being put in danger with absolutely no enjoyment or benefit to them at all. All this nonsensical crap is about, is his yearning for his youth, running from real life accountability and wanting to be seen as daring and cool, not the receeeding balding ginger pubed hair, greasy and ruddy faced, green beanie wearing 40 year old
hole that he actually is!
It's debatable wether Izzy, Esmememe ir Isla enjoys it, but they can at least go on a snow mobile at some point. They could also try local foods, visit museums and learn about the culture or 'agriculture'
of these different countries. The fact is this overgrown mutt of a man and his pathetic wife have no common sense whatsoever.
Isla being so reckless and selfish with Isobelles boots was bad enough, but why did Isobelle go out in sub zero temperature in wet boots and no socks?? For fucks sake her feet in wet boots, no socks and Arctic weather was beyond stupid and yet this girl is so starved of a life she thinks getting ' frost nip' is something for her bucket list WTAF???.
The title of this vlog is tempting fate and I have genuine concerns for the children's safety. They think they are so cool and having these fantastic experiences travelling, they really are not.
They don't travel to explore and drink in culture or have meaningful experiences, they do it for for show, clickbait and to add something into their boring existence. They don't have a single original thought. Everything they do has been influenced from other people who either specialised in the genre or made it their thing. Chris just bounces between trends and copies other people to a ridiculous level. He even adopted the surname of his idol and kept it to this day.
At this point it's beyond a joke and if they think leaving two small babies sleeping when their was a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning was responsible parenting, while he drives round a carpark in minus 30 degrees with the window down, his windscreen frozen because he threw water over it and his greasy vile head stuck out the window. I bet fatty arse was proper moaning in the passenger seat during that
bleeping debacle.