I checked companies House for his business too, the facts are there clear as day. The trajectory of their finances is on the downward slide and has been for some time. Their net worth is abysmal. Sarah spends wayyyy too much on
tit on the daily and that is probably his biggest worry. He spends on big ticket items but I think that is financed. All written in the assets and liability sections.
The money is being moved between accounts for sure. These so called businesses that he claims to have been going on in the background started this year, he tries to make out its his side hustle for years. His only income and wealth is due to his family channel. I liken his success to a lottery win, he is trying to set out a narrative that he had the brains to set thus all up and he is some entrepreneur. He has no brains and is not creative, he is a copycat and has become more and more desperate this year. His click bait is worse than ever, his address to haters is more prolific, his lies are bigger. They lie about EVERYTHING!! they even lie about lying for fucks sake.
I also checked to see if Isobelle had a company or is a partner in their company no!.
thought she had loads of little businesses making her a fortune, does she not pay any tax?