That massive hoof in the thumbnail is not a look.
Dr Creepstopher is at Scunthorpe hospital. He’s just come out of a scan appointment and seen his baby girl. Now he’s walking the hospital corridors talking to the camera. The baby is doing perfect. Lazy saw the head measurement and it’s four days lower than the baby is.
I wouldn't worry love. Her head doesn't need to be big because she's never going to inherit many brain cells with you two as parents. It worried Creepstopher for a second but it’s all perfect. Lazy thinks 3 1/2 lbs sounds big but it’s lower than it should be. It’s just below average but normal because Creepstopher looked at the chart. The measurements are bang on the 50th percentile.
So she’s not below average then. Creepstopher repeats that he was worried for a minute. People weren’t enthusiastic today. Nannar used to live on the top floor of a block of high rise flats and the massive window terrified Lazy because she’d sit and lean out of the window. There was a lift with a window in it. It broke down once and Lazy was stuck halfway.
Lazy and Creepstopher have found their way out of the hospital. She mumbles something about a trip to the post office. No not the post office - it’s the place where she got her medication from. Creepstopher tells her it’s called the pharmacy. It's really expensive but Lazy gets “free pharmacy things” because she’s knocked up. A woman in there had the nicest crocs on that she’d ever seen in her whole life. Lazy has never had crocs. They were cream with gold crystal gems. Lazy went online and found out they were £65.
Lazy and Creepstopher didn’t have breakfast because they had to leave soooooooo early. The appointment dragged on a bit. It’s just after brunch so he wants a barm butty. Lazy is wearing her ugg boots and her trotters are sweating. She needs crocs and says she has to take her shoes off. She asks if anyone has crocs.
Isn’t she a bit late to the trend?
Creepstopher isn’t sure about the camera angle and how it makes his face look. He’s organising getting the other camera sent off to be fixed today. Lazy dragged him to Tesco for a baby outfit to celebrate. Moaning about prices. Creepstopher swore at Lazy in an aggressive way as they walked into the supermarket. They’re always speaking to each other like that, it’s banter. She went to hold his hand because she wanted to get people’s reactions. The man behind Creepstopher didn’t understand his banter but Lazy burst out laughing and told him he can’t speak to her like that in public. Anyone who knows them for real knows that’s what they do. Lazy wears the trousers in their relationship. Creepstopher needs some onions.
Lazy can’t fit her hoof hand in an up to 3lbs hat. She shows the baby clothing options. Creepstopher wants the cheapest. One of the onesies says ‘Little Sister’ but Lazy thick brain strikes again when she says they don’t have a little sister. The dressing gown doesn’t look great but is practical. Creepstopher tells her to get rid until he sees the £5 price tag reduced from £12. Baby doesn’t have a towel or dressing gown yet. Lazy can put the dressing gown on the baby when she’s soaking wet from the bath. Creepstopher decides to buy the dressing gown and onions.
Creepstopher and Lazy got some essentials for a DIY pr-oh-ject they’ve been meaning to do for two years. It’s curtains for the room as the blanket on the balcony door spoils the room. They will make the room a more homely and cosy space. They’re boxing them in with LED lights. The ceiling is 260cm and the curtains are 223cm. They’re going to be very close to the massive plank of wood they bought. The curtains are thick and juicy grey. Creepstopher hates the bedroom and it doesn’t have the feels. They had to buy two pairs of curtains as the wall is 500cm in length. They’re getting a plant for the bath because Creepstopher hates the bathroom.
WE’RE MOVING HOUSE... vlog coming soon because he always gets what he wants. Curtain DIY.
Lazy shows us her cheese slop tummy. She swears baby will be a 9lber. All of the girls have been around 7lbs
Lazy ordered hand knitted cardigans for the baby. It’s two jumpers with matching bonnets and mittens. Esme is getting a sewing machine so she can make a batch of crochet hats. Squealing as Lazy shows us the jumpers. They won’t fit the baby until she’s about 3 months. You can’t beat white on a baby.
Curtain pole is up. Creepstopher is tediously hooking on the curtains. They can’t put the wood on it as they don’t want the coving over the top of the wood. They might get the coving tomorrow if they can see it behind the wood. Everyone is hungry and Lazy will be making dinner soon. Esme made herself a cup of tea but didn’t make one for her. She didn’t share her crumpets with Jace and Mila yesterday either. Isabelle and Isla would’ve gone downstairs and made her a tea. There were two crumpets left but Lazy thought there were four. She told Esme to only have one and give Jace and Mila half each of the other one. Esme wanted both. Lazy said she was selfish and she was in a bad mood. Jace and Mila asked Mama where the crumpets were. Esme is a growing teen.
Mila plays with a bus on the rug. The curtains are in line with the headboard and looks amazing even without the boxing. Lazy turns around from showing us the curtains and Isabelle is leaning on Creepstopher’s shoulder. He laughs. They’re boxing in the rail so we won’t be able to see it. They’re adding down lighting so it looks like a massive curtain. Apparently the curtains are beigey but they look grey to me. If she could buy the headboard again it would be cream. She found white cotton duvet covers on the Online Home Shop, which has a history of gifting them stuff.
Time for bed. They just had dinner and came upstairs to do more work. Jace and Mila are getting ready for bed. Creepstopher is getting Mila changed now. The white noise machine was so nice. The first night home Lazy was worried about sleeping. Mila hit her head on wood. Jace got leg ache at 2am but went straight back to sleep. Lazy slept way better in the van as the bed is way bigger. Creepstopher got jumpy legs and was kicking her every two minutes. It was too quiet so she made him go and get the white noise machine. Photos of Jace and Mila asleep. The piece of wood they bought is too short. Lazy wouldn’t be happy with the gap as it would look bodged. They’re going to B&Q for a tiny dado rail. They can start painting when it’s done.
The curtains look tit. Creepstopher has decided they need a bar strip of lights around the bath. He was thinking of getting waterproof up lighting each side of the bath to make it pop but the strip lights will look really really good. There’s another trip coming up in a couple of weeks. Lazy winks at the camera.
End of vlog