Vlog view watch, 1:04am, UK time 19,152
A grown-up man wearing a beanie and hoodie INDOORS.Sarah's obviously not done very much whilst Chris was out! Going by the state of the work top in the kitchen! Has the cheek to comment on the kids leaving glasses etc in their rooms!
No mention of where Chris was all day
I can't sleep, I might give them a view to see if it sends me to sleep
Remember this tit-show.
Remember this tit-show.
OnlyFans, OnlyVans, OnlyTinCans, OnlyiFams, OnlyFanny, OnlyNannasPensionPlanI'm thinking of setting up an Only Fans for Lazy...
I'm looking forward to Izzy recieving her trust fund in 4 months.
What the duck does this twit look like who in their right mind wears a bleeping beanie and a hoodie indoors.Sarah's obviously not done very much whilst Chris was out! Going by the state of the work top in the kitchen! Has the cheek to comment on the kids leaving glasses etc in their rooms!
No mention of where Chris was all day
What is it with influencers and baby names right now? Cove? Bambi? Neo Earth? They’ve got to grow up and live with it, sure a name can be trendy but make it age well and give the kid a chance if they want a “normal” life
Remember this tit-show.
Omg never seen this. Was it before or after he got outed for his disgusting messages to a 16 year old?
Wtf am I looking atI'm thinking of setting up an Only Fans for Lazy...