Tonight vlog has me beyond irritated. Jace needs to learn to bleeping share. Cheese, pasta, more cheese. Learn to wash and brush your bleeping hair Izzy, YOU’RE ALMOST 18. The kids need to be cared for so much better. Jaces constant “mama mama mama mama mama” when the attention isn’t on him is beyond grating on me. Mila is constantly filthy. Isla is constantly belittled (Lazy eye rolling springs to mind) and put down and never being made to feel important and valued. Esme, don’t get me started, the girl needs to learn to take a breath when she talks and stop bullying Isla. She thinks she’s “all that” and she really isn’t. They’ve all got major dental issues, they’ve all got an atrocious diet that consists of cheese, cheese, more cheese, they are all dirty and unhygienic, they have no education evidences by Izzy only having the 1 GCSE and minimal home tutoring. Creepy in yesterdays vlog springs to mind “the girls have done school work for the day, so we’re going to have lunch now” LUNCH. MEANING 12pm - 1pm. It’s beyond a joke now. HOW have social services not cottoned on to these disgraceful “parents”(and I use that word loosely)?!