Yuk!. My Son had a cold sore the other day and his lips were really dry. Guess what??? 3 days it took to heal. We bought him cold sore cream, and lip balm. We bought the lip balm in a tin so he knew every time her put lip balm on then touched his mouth he had to wash his hands, when his cold sore cleared he threw the lip balm away. ( he is severely autistic so needs constant watching)Sounds as if they've been sharing the one and only lip balm
What I don't understand is hospitals and doctors send out reminder texts, how can they sit there knowing their kids are due appointments yet it's more important to sit on a beach than go to say Jaces Eye appointment? They made a big issue of if the glasses don't work he will need surgery. The glasses clearly haven't worked because as soon as he takes them off, his eye turns again. How can they look at Isla and not care that her mouth is sore? Sarah suffers with cold sores so she should know how painful they are? If Isla was in school she would have been sent home with her mouth in that state because she's infectious. There are so many good people in the world who would literally die to become parents, yet you get these two selfish arseholes who have 5 beautiful children yet don't care less about them. Give them to me, within a year they would be different children.