I knew they’d have to resort to a professional.the tiles are finished
I’d love to know how long it took Chris to do his bits vs the paid professional
I need to hold on to something if I am in her house, it is so visually messy.
You should look at Clemmie Hooper’s hell hole, an ode to every gifted item circa 2018
That wallpaper is migraine inducing
I am appreciating the chat about financial privilege on Instagram at the moment - eg this from Clare (my frugal year). Chimes with a lot of the thoughtful discussion on this thread lately
Alex had made a career out of being open about money - supposedly - so I’m sure we’ll see her thoughts on the subject soon
Thread suggestion:
The Frugality #4: Eye spy with my little eye a secret second storey reaching up to the sky.
Yes, please.OH GOD YES! Shall I start one?