Omg RAHS what a blast from the past
I haven’t heard that term since early 2010s when I left what feels like a very similar uni to you both, but yep! Precisely that.
Same, we have no access to free childcare or discounted and whilst we are incredibly lucky that it’s not a financial stretch or stopped us doing anything else we want to, it’s a big payment amongst the rest of the relentless outgoings you have to manage as an adult? Like paying for the mortgage, home improvements, home maintenance (like an annual £250 home alarm service that’s necessary to get the specialist insurance we have), sorting out junior savings accounts vs yours, then the forecasting activities - does it make more sense to save X or overpay mortgage X, playing with overpayment calculators, looking at remortgaging early to take advantage of lower interest rates, thinking about inflation, like just never ending
tit going in your brain like an electronic ticker and then you have someone who hasn’t got a care in the world pushing hyper consumption on us alongside “financial advice” and I just think
duck me not only do you not know you’re born, you just don’t have a clue?! Like personal finance to them starts and ends at how much Instagrammable
tit they can buy with the income they make off pushing
tit on us. And don’t get me wrong I love shallow Instagrammable
tit too, but I’m not sharing top tips on taking a mortgage holiday or getting an extension by re mortgaging the 20% LTV mortgage your parents gifted you! Ridiculous
Lol RAHS though you’re so right