The Duggar Family #2

He'll be eating his Christmas dinner alone in a cell this year.

Sample meal. Makes the old tater tot casserole look more appetising doesn't it?


Meanwhile at the Duggar Cult Compound, Christmas dinner looks like this:
Ben's a parasitical little worm with a hot compliant wife, a father-in-law who pays his way and the IQ of a stuffed olive. Do you know that WOCAB called him "an academic" the other day? Because he's playing pastor once a week at some fundie church these days as opposed to getting on the shovels and pick axes like the other lads in the family to earn his way.

Academic my arse! I don't think the monosyllabic twit's ever read a book that didn't come complete with a set of crayons and a special little cloth to wipe the bugger clean.

This is why I like Austin. He seemed to be established in his construction business before he married Joy. Joy also said she went to his job sites while he was working to observe him under stress and see how he handled it. That really stuck out to me as I’ve never heard any of the other Duggar’s doing that much ‘homework’ on their future spouse.

I think Joe also does construction and maybe John David? Even ego driven Jeremy has had jobs at different churches as a pastor. Then there is Ben who won JB over by saying he wanted to be a pastor one day? Was that the magic word back in the day? It must be to get to live rent free in the old Duggar starter home and have JB pay for everything. Meanwhile the other couples are buying houses and establishing their own lives.
The makers of lularich are making a new show that will focus on several reality tv families and their connections between the Institute in Basic Life Principles. The families it will focus on are the duggar, bates and plath families.
The Plath's don't follow the IBLP.