The Duggar Family #2

Don't know if this is a silly question but does that mean whoevers child it was, has pressed chargres? 🤔
Nah, something like, someone called the police cause they saw kids wandering in the street. Police charged her as the only responsible adult in the house. Anna was probably too busy being cheerfully available to her n husband to look after her own kids
Jinger Voulos statement re Josh isn’t pulling any punches!

I read that she was looking after minors and fell asleep, the child/children were found wandering at the edge of the road

I saw that- she was probably looking after more kids on her own than a daycare and one walked out that massive house.
Looks like Michelle’s right hand is next to be thrown under the bus.

JBs house, his responsibility surely for any kids being looked after there??
Jinger Voulos statement re Josh isn’t pulling any punches!

I saw that- she was probably looking after more kids on her own than a daycare and one walked out that massive house.
Looks like Michelle’s right hand is next to be thrown under the bus.

JBs house, his responsibility surely for any kids being looked after there??

longest one ive seen so far...

Jinger Vuolo

We are saddened for the victims of horrific child abuse. We are also saddened for Josh’s family, his wife and precious children.

We are saddened for the dishonor this has brought upon Christ’s name. Josh claims to be a Christian. When a professing follower of Jesus is exposed as a hypocrite, the response of many will be to challenge the integrity of Jesus himself. They’ll question the legitimacy of a Savior whose so-called followers privately delight in the sins they publicly denounce. This is why the Apostle Paul told religious hypocrites that "the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you” (Romans 2:24). For Josh, we fear for his soul.

Yet, amidst our sadness, there is gratitude. We are grateful that God is a God of justice who cares for the innocent and the helpless. And, of all the people in this world, he especially loves children, who are among the most vulnerable. This reality makes the existence of sex trafficking and child abuse one of the most horrific evils imaginable. It is an evil God hates.

Jesus welcomed and cared for children, seeing their helplessness as opportunity to protect, not exploit (Matthew 19:14). And his harshest indictment was reserved for those who caused them to stumble: “it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:6).

For those who follow him, he requires the same compassion toward children: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 18:10). The Apostle James put this care at the heart of true religion: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world” (James 1:27).

We are thankful to God for exposing Josh’s actions and to a legal system committed to protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty in this case. We are grateful for justice. We are praying for further justice, vindication, protection, and healing for all those who have been wronged.
Maybe this charge is the real reason Stephen Wissmann stepped back. Just because she was charged in September doesn't mean it didn't happen months before...
I tend to think that the reason Stephen Wissmann stepped back is because of Joshua and all the crap he would have to deal with by marrying into that family, which would then become his family. And I don't think the Wissmann's want to be anywhere near the Duggars. Quite frankly, I don't blame Stephen or his parents. I feel sorry for Jana, though. She has had to pay a steep price for all of this.
I tend to think that the reason Stephen Wissmann stepped back is because of Joshua and all the crap he would have to deal with by marrying into that family, which would then become his family. And I don't think the Wissmann's want to be anywhere near the Duggars. Quite frankly, I don't blame Stephen or his parents. I feel sorry for Jana, though. She has had to pay a steep price for all of this.
One of the duggar brothers is currently in a relationship with one if the wissmann girls. Jeremiah duggar is currently in a relationship with hannah wissmann. I don't think that the wissmann family are too put off by the duggars since they are allowing their daughter to date a duggar and likely end up marrying one as these families date with the intention of marriage.
longest one ive seen so far...

Jinger Vuolo

We are saddened for the victims of horrific child abuse. We are also saddened for Josh’s family, his wife and precious children.

We are saddened for the dishonor this has brought upon Christ’s name. Josh claims to be a Christian. When a professing follower of Jesus is exposed as a hypocrite, the response of many will be to challenge the integrity of Jesus himself. They’ll question the legitimacy of a Savior whose so-called followers privately delight in the sins they publicly denounce. This is why the Apostle Paul told religious hypocrites that "the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you” (Romans 2:24). For Josh, we fear for his soul.

Yet, amidst our sadness, there is gratitude. We are grateful that God is a God of justice who cares for the innocent and the helpless. And, of all the people in this world, he especially loves children, who are among the most vulnerable. This reality makes the existence of sex trafficking and child abuse one of the most horrific evils imaginable. It is an evil God hates.

Jesus welcomed and cared for children, seeing their helplessness as opportunity to protect, not exploit (Matthew 19:14). And his harshest indictment was reserved for those who caused them to stumble: “it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:6).

For those who follow him, he requires the same compassion toward children: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 18:10). The Apostle James put this care at the heart of true religion: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world” (James 1:27).

We are thankful to God for exposing Josh’s actions and to a legal system committed to protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty in this case. We are grateful for justice. We are praying for further justice, vindication, protection, and healing for all those who have been wronged.
I don’t think it was God who exposed him Ginger 😡 idiots!!
longest one ive seen so far...

Jinger Vuolo

We are saddened for the victims of horrific child abuse. We are also saddened for Josh’s family, his wife and precious children.

We are saddened for the dishonor this has brought upon Christ’s name. Josh claims to be a Christian. When a professing follower of Jesus is exposed as a hypocrite, the response of many will be to challenge the integrity of Jesus himself. They’ll question the legitimacy of a Savior whose so-called followers privately delight in the sins they publicly denounce. This is why the Apostle Paul told religious hypocrites that "the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you” (Romans 2:24). For Josh, we fear for his soul.

Yet, amidst our sadness, there is gratitude. We are grateful that God is a God of justice who cares for the innocent and the helpless. And, of all the people in this world, he especially loves children, who are among the most vulnerable. This reality makes the existence of sex trafficking and child abuse one of the most horrific evils imaginable. It is an evil God hates.

Jesus welcomed and cared for children, seeing their helplessness as opportunity to protect, not exploit (Matthew 19:14). And his harshest indictment was reserved for those who caused them to stumble: “it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:6).

For those who follow him, he requires the same compassion toward children: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 18:10). The Apostle James put this care at the heart of true religion: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world” (James 1:27).

We are thankful to God for exposing Josh’s actions and to a legal system committed to protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty in this case. We are grateful for justice. We are praying for further justice, vindication, protection, and healing for all those who have been wronged.
But they are still promoting their religion as their main goal and whitewashing what Joshua was involved in. Yes, they used the word "evil" and fearing for his soul. But......

1. "We are saddened for the victims of horrific child abuse." Saddened? That's a word used when describing the feelings when your pet dies. How about: We are disgusted, outraged and in unbearable pain thinking of the torture of all those children in those tapes; two of whom who DIED during evil acts that Joshua derived pleasure from watching. "We are also saddened for Josh's family, etc etc." Using the same word - saddened. And again, with the almost legal mumbo-jumbo of being saddened for "Josh's family." Wtf - these are Jinger's brothers and sisters, Jeremy is their brother-in-law and uncle to Anna's children. Sounds like a form letter generated by a PR agent.
2. Second paragraph another plug for their religion.
3. Third paragraph: "Yet, amidst our sadness, there is gratitude. We are grateful that God cares for the innocent and the helpless." Yup, gotta keep sweet and never express anything but happy, happy, happy toward a God THAT ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN TO THESE CHILDREN IN THE FIRST PLACE. Gaslighting at its best and typical cult behavior. No room for being angry at God - which is OK to feel, people. But not in their world.
4.Fourth and fifth paragraphs being preached at again about the definition of Christianity.
5. Sixth paragraph: "We are thankful to God for exposing Josh's action." Ummmm. No. The FBI, police detectives, and the hardworking undercover agents exposed Josh's action. And "We are praying for those who have been wronged." Wronged? Are you kidding me? The children who survived this have been permanently damaged in their bodies and in their souls. Make no mistake about it: The ones who survived were spiritually murdered. They will never be normal and the families of these abducted children will NEVER heal from this.

The title of one of the films was: "The Destruction of Daisy: Watch How Daisy loses all Self Control and is Humiliated and Degraded." As she was raped, tortured, hung upside down, etc. Daisy was 3 years old. 😭 60 Minutes Australia did a documentary about Peter Skully, who made these films that Joshua downloaded on his computer. Go watch it. Then talk about prayer, gratitude and, oh, be sure to quote scripture from the New Testament to show off how "spiritual" you are. Cuz then your job is done.

I hope Anna's children are taken away from her and that the remaining minors in the Duggar house are removed as well. Remember when Jim Bob and Michelle did an arranged marriage between someone living in their home and a man who they knew was a convicted rapist and had served prison time for it? Funny how after they were married off they never again appeared on the show. Wonder how well that worked out.
Does anyone know what's happening with JB's campaign for Senate. I don't follow much about him, he creeps me out completely. But especially since being called out by the judge on the stand and the cover up he has done - is his run over (maybe it all ready is, as I said I haven't being following but how could he still have support).
For those about queer kids in IBLP. I can only talk about my experience but first and formost my parents were told to beat it out of me. Then they were to keep me so busy I wouldn't have time to think about being queer. They would make me read scripture about how I was evil and deserved to die. They had me go to weekly therapy with the leaders wife and keep me away from spending one on one alone time with girls outside of my family.
There were places (in the US) I could of been sent to but I convinced myself I was straight and became a raging homophobe to cover it up. Some of the things I said I am so ashamed of to this day.

Being Queer is the best though. Being straight was so boring 😅😅😅

I'm glad you found happiness but curious as to how you escaped? Was there a tipping point?