I understand you have something against them, but as people have stated in the thread, they have discussed the actual drs and done their own research, I don’t think anyone on here is blindly just going for them - people have asked for opinions and we have all shared our experiences. Some people have had great experiences, others not so great.
I find that a lot of the time you repeat the same thing to people on here; I know you have quoted my comments a number of times with basically the same comment. I know you’re only trying to warn people, but it kind of comes of like you have a vendetta against them and nothing they do can ever be correct. If you have had a bad experience with one of the drs have you reported them to the GMC?
I have had really positive experiences with one of the doctors who formerly worked there (I have only been to see them after they left, never when they were with CC), they have a really good rep and have always treated me well. Also, not every dr is the same. Some are really skilled, others not so much. You can’t just slate them all with the same brush.