CALLOUS IGNORANT STEPHANIE LAUGHED AND MOCKED DAVE AND CALLED HIM SPIDERMAN When he was bitten by spider hauling wood in for her crappy wood burners because she’s too cheap and negligent and crappy to finish the heating. Viewers are concerned. Stephanie doesn’t care because she’s not on the hook for it. She never gave anyone an update as to how the other seriously injured worker who is pulled from the roof last year is doing. Loser Herbert Philip was at the dump. Why didn’t he drive Dave to the doctor? Fanny should have paid for a doctors appointment to have his condition assessed. Cheap ass ebegging Stephanie.
46 minutes ago
47 minutes ago (edited)
Exactly what Evakinney3152 said. The brown recluse bite causes creeping ulcerations of the skin and you can loose limbs. That looks really bad. The brown spider you showed is VERY close looking to the brown recluse. It can be deadly
49 minutes ago
Has he gone to the doctor about the spider bit? Some spiders like the brown recluse can cause necrotic tissue damage. If you like the pale color of the cabinet, have you thought of adding a pale blue trim and maybe a decal on the front. Just so it is not so plain. Glad to hear his hand is healing and I too was wondering if he was right-handed or not. I was thinking he dropped the tool and fell on it. Now we all know, thank you.
22 minutes ago
I live south of Toulouse and got bitten on the finger by a Brown Recluse. If he hasn't gone to urgences for treatment he will be in big trouble. I thought I was going to lose my finger. That arm looks like it is necrosing already. I would be really really concerned.
51 minutes ago (edited)
That spider bite is serious, hope he saw a doctor. Please make sure he wears protective clothing especially in a wood pile. I was bit by a black widow. The spider was in my garden shoes and bit me between my toes on my left foot. I was lucky as it took the hospital Hours to obtain the antidote, very painful. His bites look really really serious hope he is ok.
49 minutes ago
I agree: get that spider bite checked right away just to be on the safe side
1 hour ago
Has that spider bite been treated by doctor? Those bites are serious
1 hour ago
Brown recluse spiders live in wood... a friend almost lost his hand after a bite. You are looking after it.
39 minutes ago (edited)
I thought they looked like a brown recluse bites but only thought those were in the U.S. A quick google search revealed they have been found in France in recent years
1 hour ago
That spider bite should be checked out by a doctor asap
1 hour ago
As a nurse, please have Dave have the spider bite seen and please please keep a close eye on it.
1 hour ago
Exactly. If it was a brown recluse, it can be very dangerous
1 hour ago
Please say Dave had the spider bite checked by a doctor!!! Some spider bites can cause necrotic tissue. His wound looks like it could be infected. he heals quickly!
33 minutes ago
I was bitten by a brown recluse a few months ago. i thought I would lose my finger. The skin necrosis and you can lose your life or a limb if untreated. I went to three doctors before going to a specialist prof in toulouse Rangueil hospital where I had antibiotics and medical compresses.
6 minutes ago
Yes, see a doc, of course he absolutely should. If it is very bad and goes unchecked, he could lose his arm, or worse.
5 minutes ago
I think it looks like a brown recluse bite
1 hour ago
A few years ago I was away from a project I was working on for a few days and when I returned, asked one of the owners of the business about the whereabouts of another of the owners whom I didn't see. I was told he had died just a couple days prior of a spider bite he thought was fine and did not have seen by a Doctor. One day here, the next day not. Have the bite tended to. Don't presume it's getting better on it's own!
1 hour ago
I was bitten by a brown recluse (brown widow) years back, on my neck, just behind & below my ear, in my sleep (I spotted the spider the next day). It started out as a relatively small & painless bite but turned into an infected black hole as the weeks went on, even with antibiotic treatment. I still have a rather substantial scar from it. They are definitely nothing to play around with.
28 minutes ago
Agreeing with everyone in the comments. I’ve had four serious spider bites in my life. Didn’t notice getting bitten and the bites developed over time. In each instance medical care, prescription creams/ drugs, and antibiotics were critical. The first I almost lost my hand to as I must have gotten bitten when packing to move continents and over the course of a 12 hour flight I was very grateful to the stewardesses that kept me well supplied with ice as my hand swelled and changed color. Immediate trip to the ER and 6+ weeks of recovery later I regained feeling and use of my hand. The second time it was slower and developed over days even with antibiotics the tissue got red, hot and very hard, then the area around the bite turned black. Even though I did eventually heal over many months I still have scars from where the black plugs sort of fell out eventually. Unfortunately, a similar instance happened again a year later in the same old home, again while I was sleeping. Then the fourth was again a similar story on my calf, but I’m not sure how I was bit. The last time I thankfully didn’t get any blackened tissue, but I did run a fever for days and the entirety of my calf got red, hot and hard. Then the skin peeled off sort of like a bad sunburn. I think it was a milder reaction because I was already on antibiotics for bronchitis. 3/4 of those instances happened in November when I was wearing long pants and shirts with socks, sometimes spider bites just happen. It’s important to take them seriously though!
1 hour ago
That spider bite should be treated by a Dr. If it was a brown recluse they have the same venom as a rattle snake. Needs seen by a dr!!!!
1 hour ago
That was my first thought. My grandfather nearly lost his leg from a bite that looked just like that
2 hours ago
It could’ve been a recluse they live in the wood. I got bit by one then the venom that they inject is breaks down the tissue and sometimes you are hospitalized by it and they are in France. Just be careful picking up the wood bang it and wear long sleeves.
1 hour ago
What happen to the heating system? Is it still going to be installed?
12 minutes ago
Is there an update as to when the new boilers will be up and running
12 minutes ago
What kind of box is Percy repairing
17 minutes ago
Mail box, I think.
13 minutes ago
Everyone watching seemed to want the dirty big ol' cupboard doors painted, but I for one am going to miss those beautiful Wabi Sabi doors.
17 minutes ago
It is missing wood, not dirty
32 minutes ago
The cupboard should be a medium blue as at the moment it looks washed out.
No wonder everyone has colds there seems to be no heating
36 minutes ago
I must say, you guys are sure sick a lot! Must be the cold interior
1 hour ago
Steffanie you love to show off
2 hours ago
WOW, about time thst horrible dirty looking cupboard was sorted out!!!!
1 hour ago
It is missing wood, not dirt.
2 hours ago
When are the heating engineers coming back
2 hours ago
What did a doctor say about the spider bite? That's serious
2 hours ago
Getting bit from that spider is very serious. Flesh eating