I know that the installation of gas is heavily controlled. Gas Board! no such
bleeping thing there are the gas inspectors like Qualigaz. The Installation no matter which gas provider you use HAS to comply with the regs, so what hasn't been done correctly then?
Boiler Room, has by over thinking and over working bunboy fucked it up. Come on!
Never, has Mr Spratt been asked about the plasterboard used, the pink one is fire/heat resistant, it's a standard product but must have the NF mark!
This is what Mr Spratt is thinking
This is taken from the FFB (Federation Francais de Batiments) web site
Where to install a gas or oil boiler room?
When the total useful power of the installations is greater than 70 kW, they must be placed inside a specific room (boiler room). If the useful power is greater than 2,000 kW, the boiler room must be located outside any residential building, office building or any area accessible to the public. On terraces, installation is authorised provided that the boiler room is located at least 10 m from homes, offices or areas accessible to the public.
The boiler room must offer means of retreat in at least two directions, except in the case of low-pressure steam installations, low-temperature superheated water or non-superheated hot water installations for the boiler room in the basement, on the ground floor, on the top level of the building or on the terrace (if Pu is less than 2,000 kW), where only one exit is allowed. In the case of a boiler room in the basement, level access with a minimum surface area of 4 m2 is mandatory.
The fire behaviour of the boiler room walls
must meet the following requirements:
- The side walls and the upper and lower floors of the room must be constructed of materials rated MO and fire rated at least two hours (except for the boiler room installed on the terrace, where the side walls and roof must have materials classified as MO).
- The decree of 23 June 1978 also defines the level of fire protection for the walls and roofing of a boiler room at a distance of less or more than 10 m from any building.
Access to the boiler room from inside a building can be done:
- by an airlock closed by two flame-proof doors of half-hour degree, opening in the direction of exit;
- by a one-hour fire door equipped with a door closer;
- by any other fire protection device of degree one hour.
Access to the boiler room from the outside can be done:
- by a fire access door of at least half an hour, if that door is less than 10 m away from any residential building, office or area accessible to the public;
- by a door without any particular fire resistance condition, if this door is more than 10 m away from any residential building, office or area accessible to the public.
The minimum ceiling height of a boiler room must be 2.20 m. The professional must remember to provide a free space of at least 50 cm between the generators to allow normal operation or to carry out maintenance or renewal work on the equipment.
The flow of heat from a boiler room must not cause a resulting increase in the indoor temperature of more than 2°C in adjacent dwellings, offices or areas accessible to the public.
Requirements related to the cutting device.
In the case of a liquid fuel supply, a means of rapid power cut-off shall be placed outside the space to allow the liquid fuel inlet to be stopped. For installations using gaseous fuel, it is the decree of 2 August 1977 that sets the requirements for the cut-off device. The external fuel shut-off system must be located in an easily accessible and well-marked location.
A permanent ventilation system
must equip the boiler room (introduction of fresh air in the lower part and exhaust air in the upper part). The ventilation air can be evacuated through one or more ducts leading to the roof or through one or more openings in the walls. Finally, to make the installation reliable, a service or maintenance contract is necessary.
MO/A2 - is material incombustable classement Francais and European but it must also give 2 hours of heat resistance
Mr Spratt said what he would do is pay Qualigaz to come out and inspect the boiler room installation and give their advice should it not pass. The people he's used in the past have always been more than willing to advise on the current regulations, explaining anything he didn't understand.
He is also wondering have they bought the correct heat resistant plasterboard that will be stamped NF (Norme Francais which is the equivalent of the British Standard kite mark) from a proper building suppliers or have they gone the cheap route and brought it at bloody BricoDepot.
Nathan must know all of the above he's been doing this long enough, it's not his first commercial installation he's fluent French.
Why ask for lawyers? Has Nathan been telling her and she won't listen;
It's just not ringing true to me