Day 8 of my month long BIRTHDAY!
And today, a story of racism and xenophobia.
This morning, Mr. Io and I drove to a local castle where one of the gardeners had very kindly put aside some cuttings for me. Snippings of bay tree, which I'm hopelessly bad at propagating, but keep trying, some pretty white cloud budlejas, and willow stalks. Mission accomplished and car packed, we made our to the tea rooms where carrot cake and a nice cuppa awaited. We decided to have a wander in the gardens before leaving. It was spitting with rain, not too cold, but the wind was bothering my ears. They began aching, so Mr. Io took off his scarf so I could wrap it round my head. I wandered away from Mr. Io to look at some herbs when a man came up behind me, yanked at my scarf and told me to "go back to your own country." I wasn't hurt, but what the
duck! My mind didn't immediately connect my head scarf with anything but that he was telling me to go home to Australia and how could that make sense? Then it clicked, my head scarf was
black. I backed away from the bloke who was sneering at me. The bleached blond on his arm was laughing. I held my hands up and asked what his problem was. He spat that I should go back to Gaza. I was horrified!
Before I could say anything, the man turned, and walked straight into Mr. Io... who decked him. The gardener who saw everything rushed up, and immediately called the police. The man, nose bleeding, stayed on the ground saying to 'yeah, get the police here' because he was going to press charges for assault. The fake skinny blond was shrieking. She reminded me of Hanni. The police arrived in quick time because the castle is the official residence of the royal family in Northern Ireland and they take all incidents there extremely seriously. Questions were asked. Notes taken.
Then the police asked me if I wanted to press charges. Outraged at this, bleeding bloke said HE was the one who was pressing charges! Where upon the police stood over him and told him he couldn't because he'd instigated the affair and he was lucky he didn't get six shades if
tit beaten out of him there and then. He could have been charged with assault, and under the UK hate speech laws, received a fine and seven years in prison, the git. I decided not to press charges and let it go. Broken nose was made to apologise to me and upon discovering I was in fact Australian and not from the Middle East, turned white and said 'Oh
tit, but the head scarf.' Anyone can wear a head scarf, you muppet, said the police. His whole body deflated. Except his nose, which inflated to the size of a cricket ball.
On the way home I began to laugh and couldn't stop. Mr. Io, who is not a violent man, began to laugh too. He had to pull over till he stopped. I'm extremely lucky to have such a good man. He has a strong sense of justice and won't stand back if he sees any injustice taking place. I'm very proud of him. We bought more carrot cake and double cream to have for dessert tonight. I'm looking forward to it.