I think Philip beats the dog. There’s just something about him. He’s very controlling. He’s very insistent on getting his way. He probably yells a lot. Take note Fanny the way he treats the dog is the way he treats you.
Absolutely. I think loser abusive Phillip is treating the even tinier money maker 2.0 in the exact same manner as Ratso 1.0 when the cameras is not filming. ” He has to learn.” ” He had to behave.” I think Stephanie didn’t give a
tit how abusive loser Philip was towards annoying Ratso 1.0, and is towards the newest little money maker because it makes the dog like her better when the gruesome twosome are together filming and she doesn’t care about anyone but herself. Abusive Phillip probably thinks it is best to intimidate, bully, and teach the even tinier moneymaker 2.0 how to “ behave” immediately as a young puppy. Stephanie will just look the other way or laugh off the abuse.
I can see Philip flicking the puppy’s ears, squeezing the puppy’s paws, yelling at the dog for peeing or pooping in the dump, squeezing the dog if it struggles or does not want to be carried or held, for wanting attention to go to the bathroom, etc. ( I think the tattler who commented that the puppy probably needed to use the bathroom and was trying to tell Philip as it was anxiously tapping his shoulder while loser Philip was driving the car.)
I bet he has held the puppy upside down in the air and squeezed his nose and mouth if he started to whine or bark if loser Phillip is on his laptop, etc. I think one of the reasons they keep him tethered all the time when he is inside the dump is to keep the dog from peeing or pooping indoors because the dog will not want to soil the tiny area it is allowed to roam. They also want to break the dog’s spirit. Stephanie likes to scare the dog with the fake stuffed dogs and allowing the loser guest to pop up and down behind the couch scaring/ agitating the puppy. She screeches at the puppy to amp it up for filming or 30 seconds of play and then ignores it or crams the puppy into the arms of anyone at the Dump.
She hasn’t put it on camera, but I bet she has tethered the dog by it’s lead to the stake Percy put in the yard outside the kitchen and probably leaves the dog there as punishment or to get him away from her for a couple of hours,
Domineering, controlling Phillip is always holding the dog and not allowing thg dog any autonomy or freedom of movement. The gruesome twosome don’t allow the dog to nap and expect the dog to conform to their chaotic selfish schedule. They are always dragging the dog around and manhandling the dog when it is absolutely exhausted and needs to sleep. They did the same thing to Ratso 1.0.
He did not like Ratso and did not want a second dog. Stephanie only wants to be with the dog while she is filming or When she can use the dog as an excuse not have to speak to the bed and breakfast guests. I think the rest of the time, either at the dump, or when traveling, the dog is the responsibility of loser Phillip. You heard Stephanie disparagingly order Philip a couple of times to take the dog outside to pee when they were waiting in the Porsche to travel back to France. Stephanie watched a movie on her cell phone and loser Philip was tasked with holding the dog, I thought it was despicable that Stephanie left the new tiny dog at the dump with loser Philip as she went on her “mini break.“ She is well aware that Phillip is openly abusive to dogs, she just doesn’t care.
Speculation, alternate theory, could loser Philip‘s long nails have internally punctured the throat of Ratso 1.0 as he was clamping the dog’s mouth shut? Did he ever press this nails into the dog’s throat as he clamped the dog ‘s mouth shut?
Is passive aggressive “ you can’t tell me what to do but send me money “ Stephanie posting a storyline about a mushroom because cd viewers posted several comments warning her that many different types of mushrooms could be poisonous/ fatal to moneymaker 2.0?