That wig on a stick should have just picked the dog up and carry it to the spot you want ..... I mean Ratso was as light as a bloody feather!!!
Not that lazy barstard ---- he would not bend over for a dog!!!
The “ you can’t tell me what to do” throuple of Stephanie, loser Philip, and FRK ( who desperately wants to be Stephanie, and will lie, or do anything else to keep herself at the dump) are not gonna change their abusive ways. They may change a few behaviors temporarily in a couple of videos, but they will always revert back to their selfish, entitled, abusive manners are treating their newest money maker Ratso 2.0.
Nobody tells Stephanie what to do. She will refuse to give up the dog because it would make her look bad And she will never give away a chance to make money. She will never admit that she’s abusive to animals although there is years and years and years of documented abuse at the dump. She likes to lie. ( shocker, a pathological liar who lies with every breath), and claim that “she has never ever been responsible for the life of another animal before. “ LIAR, She says that to try to escape liability for the abuse heaped upon Ruby, the peafowl ( which she deliberately purchased and brought to the dump), the chickens/ roosters, sheep, and any other animal that has miss fortune to be at the dump.
Stephanie refused to give up her money maker. It sounds like she purchased a dog again from a non-registered shady breeder for rock-bottom price. You know she loves a bargain. She is thrifty. I believe that they were in Prague for several days and just put on there begging rags when it was time to shoot video. Stephanie gave herself a way When she complained the video about not being able to explore the city of Prague and dine out. She always tells on herself. I think they’ve been there for a few days and either move to the airport hotel or did actually stay there slumming it for two or three nights waiting for the newest tiny animal that gruesome twosome will exploit and slowly destroy and suck the life out of the next few months until the tragic accident occurs again.
Control by chaos manipulative Stephanie has been trying to plant comments suggesting that Ratso had pre-existing health problems, inferior genetics, or suffered from some type of a defect that led to his mysterious death that she will not reveal. Do you see how she starts her smoke and mirrors bullshit? She used her new neighbor to plant the rumors about a fox eating all the chickens, she had used in FRK earlier to cover up the
alleged chicken massacre that occurred months before she revealed it to viewers. Who is she kidding? Stephanie, so desperate for content, that if a chicken masker had occurred at the dump, she would’ve had Marie out their day and night, spotlight, recording the carnage and FRK would have eagerly and willingly complied.
I believe it was possible that careless FRK may have taken unrestrained Ratso 1.0 out to the garden to feed the chickens, and Ratso killed a few of the chicks that were shown in November, 2023. Remember, Stephanie taking the dog out to the small chicken house and showing the dog about a dozen new chicks? Ratso 1.0 did not have an endearing habit of licking chicks and peachicks. I have a feeling that Ratso ended up killing a few chicks and maybe a couple of chickens, and then Stephanie had Kirstie come clean up any carnage and take the excess roosters and chickens back to her house to be slaughtered for market. Kirstie love to suck up to Stephanie And it’s covered up for her on several occasions.
Stephanie likely saw no need to continue keeping any chickens and or registers on the premises after Ratso killed some of them ( and after the dog had allegedly coffin or contributed to cause the death of blood roosters, Beethoven, and spud), she didn’t have many pretty chickens left, and she considered the chickens useless in the winter time because they were not laying eggs. FRK what’s going to be away for a month and her cooking school, Amaury and Nutty where the south of France, and Stephanie, and loser Philip we’re going to be traveling nonstop all winter, so why continue to keep any chickens when did it laying eggs,Ratso might kill them, they were not the pretty ones that she wanted, I know there to take care of them?
Stephanie made Kirstie get off her ass and finish the saddest looking chicken prison in the chateauverse because she knew she was going to be getting a new little money maker and she could make videos about the chicken castle and going to select new pretty chickens that she can give pretentious names and pretend to love..
Give it a few weeks, and Stephanie will be by new, pretty chickens, and taking Ratso 2.0 to visit the chickens. She will delight in showing how the newest tiny dog will be scared by the chickens. Wait until the throuple start dragging a tiny dog on long walks through the woods, allow it to eat poisonous flowers, carry the dog up the scaffolding in the chapel, dangle the dog out of windows, etc.
Stephanie will insist upon keeping her tiniest little money maker. She believes she is above any criticism by anyone and is Teflon proof from any backlash from Patrons or viewers. She and Snorty will continue with their sticky sweet baby voices, incredibly bad acting,fake gentleness, and “ awe” and “ concern” over their newest money maker while the little pink cameras filming. After the camera shut off, the dog will be stuffed in a crate in the hallway and ignored for hours repeatedly told to shut up and stop making noise by abusive “ owner” Snorty.
I still wonder who is the actual owner of the dog? Stephanie has claimed that the dog was her birthday present to herself. What did she show video of herself taking the dog to the vet and registering it as her dog responsible for its care and welfare, etc. There is no way she will put her name down as the official owner of that dog, she will make loser Philip be the owner, so he can take the fall for a lot of the recklessness, negligence, and the ultimate death of the dog in the next few months. I wish we could get a governmental agency to investigate both of them for cruelty to animals. A governmental agency could force them to cough up any vet records, which will show that they lied and never got the dog, any medical care, and were lying to viewers about the shady mini break death weekend for Ratso with the elusive parents of loser Philip and the Janssen family dog, who is easily 10 times plus the size of Ratso.
One of the posters here tonight talk about Stephanie and Philip lacking empathy. Stephanie, as a hard-core malignant narcissist/ sociopath has no empathy for anyone but herself.EVER. Every moment of every day is consumed with thoughts about herself, her welfare, and what she can get from others for herself. She only cries for herself, and no one else and no other” creature.” That is the nature of a malignant narcissist. Her only thoughts and concerns are for herself. Always. No exception. She has no empathy or concern about any other person or animal, and only expresses fake concern and empty gestures of solace when they benefit herself. It is hard for the majority of people here and in on her forums, who are decent people, and have a good heart, to think that someone can be so heartless.
Assume that 51% of the population generally has a good heart, wants to do the right thing, screws up as everyone does in this petri dish in life, may be occasionally selfish or thoughtless but generally wants to think the best of others ( unless proven otherwise) , etc. 49% other population may be in various degrees on a spectrum trying to get everything they can in life by any means whatsoever, or solely focused only upon themselves and what benefit themselves, or more selfish of self absorbed than the average person, varying degrees of empathy or concern for others Down to zero concern or anyone else, etc.
Stephanie intentionally scripts storylines and her smoke and mirror lies abd fake persona to target the 51% what is the population who I want to think the best of her, even when presented the concrete evidence to the contrary. She deliberately uses her control by chaos Manipulation of forums and viewers, by planting several different conflicting “stories” or “ facts” in her videos, thru her fake accounts, by using a cadre of flying monkeys to spread rumors, things she wants, misinformation, etc. She loves the control by chaos manipulation, because when faced with evidence of lies, deceit, gluttony, etc., the 51% of the population follows her will try to give sweet little Stephanie, the 50 year old, little orphan princess, the benefit of the doubt on any allegations of wrongdoing and then they go up in their attics, into their china cabinet , and pack up family heirlooms to send to the dump to be resold or thrown away my loser Philip. This 51% of the population want to believe Stephanie and her highly edited “ fantasy” life at the dump, or easily manipulated body perverse daddy, Derek stories, swayed by calculating millionaire Isabelle, and tolerate loser Philip ( who secretly hates grannies I love to take on the persona and mocking, mimic them through the dozens of fake accounts he, Stephanie, and the other Dump crewmembers maintain on various platforms ( to include Patreon, here, cd forums, other Château forums, YouTube channels, etc.)
Loser Phillip hates the granny fans, most viewers, and desperately wants to find himself a sugar daddy chateau owner for himself. He really wants to be the chatalaine at the dump, or any Dump. I love when he loses it and posts nasty comments because the curtains are pulled back, and you see the truth of who he is shining through. He has learned at the foot of his master., ChamberPottie, who also Blazey smarter than everyone else, and plays the same games in several forms. If you are ever really understood that Stephanie, Phillip, Pottie, and the dump crew was harassing them across the Internet, and the CD form, patron form, etc., many of them would start supporting her or dealing with her. The entitlement and hubris displayed by this group of greedy, dishonest people is breathtaking.
Loser Phillip wants to create multiple accounts elsewhere, and does the weekly, harassing and threatening litigation against other members of the forum to force them to leave or to stop discussing deceitful actions at the dump or their hatred of Philip. He gleefully mocks and bulliesthe same group of people who are paying for everything he has, and then will quickly erase accounts after he’s finished with his daily destruction and bullying. Pottie does this routinely elsewhere and here. Stephanie also does this under several fake accounts. I believe she reads every single comment, and deletes any comments that she fears will harm her, has Snorty add the dump crew, use bought, or a spreadsheet of their fake accounts, supposed flattering, gushing crap about her, loser Phillip, gossip, misinformation, trips that she wants to take, project, said she want other people to pay for, antiques, porcelain, and clothing, that she wants someone to send her, comments to cover up the animal abuse at the dump, etc.Of course, the dump crew is inherently lazy and drunk a lot of the time or busy traveling, so sometimes not so flattering commonts slip through. I know they also set up filters that automatically delete any post that contain certain words, e.g., thief, scammer, grifter, lies, deceit, abuse, etc. they also use a fake accounts to post disparaging information and deliberate untrue misinformation about other people at the dump and in the Chateauverse.
Isabelle also does the same here and elsewhere ( loved Isabell’s last statement under a fake account that “|Gerry was no blood relation to Stephanie.” Give it up Isabelle. It has been almost 5 years and no one believes you. Stephanie looks like her twin brother from another mother Gerry. Remember that Isabel loves attention and grifting as much as her daughter. Remember how happy she was with one of her first grifts, a new lawnmower for the millionaire Isabelle married to millionaire Percy? ( they are purchased several other lawnmowers with ebegged money since that time).
Isabelle must be trying to win the bed acting award for the chateauverse this year, with her over the top, fake, gushing declarations of love for two tiny dogs, when she actually hates animals, just like her daughter. She gleefully rubs the dog across her face and head, claims that she has changed and just loves dogs now, and will tap dance for the camera any time it is rolling. Remember that Isabell stated that she wanted to be an actress when she gave her interview with her daughter that is in the Patreon section here. Gerry also wanted to be in show business and wanted to be a comedian FYI: Mummy owns the building in Framingham where Jerry runs his taxi business. Gerry also has participated in the fake account Game, posting misinformation, threats towards others, and bullying anyone who does not express a gushing, glowing opinion of Stephanie, and or the dump/ Dump crew members.
So far this year, Isabel, Philip, and Stephanie are competing against each other to see who will win the award for the “worst bad actor in the chateauverse.“ FRK may for a supporting actor role for her shenanigans about the chickens, roosters, Ratso 1.0, Ratso 2.0, acting as the head chef/ caterer for the patron days extravaganza ( give me no credit to the professional caterer that came in and saved her ass), etc.
The show, The Office, had the annual Dundees awards. Do we need an annual “ Dumpees” awards for the chateauverse?Any other name suggestions or categories. The trophy could feature a pile of peacock
Most annoying volunteer? Best flying monkey? Worst Dump Dinner award? Nastiest Holiday from Hygiene Chateau Ownet? Worst Actor in a part time role( Hyper Hanni?) Most Elusive Person in the Chateauverse ( Baghead, the parents of Snorts, Ian the builder, the missing accountants, )Worst violation of health and safety standards( tie between Dangerous Dan and the Dump) , Most Exhibitionist Chateau Actor ( FRK, tight pants- square head, Flashing Fanny) Worst combover/ toupee/ hairpiece in the chateauverse?)
Trophy ideas?
Here is one for Snorts: the lactose intolerant crème brulee fanatic
Oh No! Has Snorts been improperly reporting comments on the Tatitle YouTube Ratso post again?
6 minutes ago
I have been made aware that several of my posts are missing. At least three posts have disappeared.
I did not feel as though this would happen here and I am disappointed.