VIP Member
I don’t want to think about Mummy’s melons, especially after an apparent 6 hour drive from the south of France.
Again call BS - why was Fanny with her Aunt and Oncle after Lamcelots death, but never mentioned Mummy and Percy? Best bet - Mummy and Percy stayed in the U.K.
Fanny was also away for 2 weeks - notice Amuary mentioned he’d made so much progress on the attic bedroom during a 2 week period. I don’t think he was referring to the length of time Mummy and Percy had been away, but rather how long Fanny and Snorty had been gone to the SoF.
Also, had he really made that much progress in 2 2 weeks? I’m no expert so what do others think? I can’t imagine he’s very happy that his dear cuz spent her holiday with his parents allegedly mourning after she killed her dog.
In two weeks I'd expect that entire room to be racked out ready for plasterboard if not already complete. It's hardly Grand Salon size, christ how long will that take him, plus all the panel bits they want farting about with.
Will you look at that. Selmar has also commented.
View attachment 3084371 q @selmarduinofficial
Diesel become 18 because I took good care of him. You are not able to take good care of animals. What where you thinking. Everything living animal ore plant dies around you.
Good he still hates the witch.