Glad we are all together in this.
I feel the need to be here because at least we have each other to face this terrible moment together.
It doesn’t help that we ALL saw it coming, all of us.
That monstrosity of woman, that repugnant excuse of a man. Anyone could see the survival of the smallest dog in the world was a miracle. Tuffiti’s
@tuffiti #savelancelot rashtag on every Patreon video,
@Fleur du mal efforts on,
@graciemckitten awarded the duo the worst dog owner of the year prize in every thread in face of the list of abuses and evidences. We complained, we denounced on YouTube. We saw it all from day one… but it did not make it any easy, it will never stop hurting because we were witnessing abuse and neglect first hand.
How can we keep going? I propose real hate now. No more jokes. That selfish narc
witch has to pay… she killed the sweetest dog that was in her care.
On another note:
@Frenchie0810 dear, I am really sorry you are facing this new health challenge, sending you good vibes to help through the new treatments that will come.