Gosh, I'm honoured - thank you for the title. ❤ ComtesseRose special thanks to you for our new thread and keeping our little gang of 15 hags & hellhounds rolling along.
That CD vlog was especially odd & boring. It's raining heavily, not raining, raining heavily, not raining - let's have a BBQ on a very rainy day. More timey-wimey.
- does anyone recognize the ugly blue Mummy outfit Fanny is wearing? It looks like a 1980's Emaus bargain bin purchase)
- Grunt & his daughter have returned from their road trip from the south. Fanny made it look like Grunt was doing another BBQ, but I believe that dinner was from the BBQ the previous week! That giant salad FRK was making was served the previous week when Tante & Once were there. It was also a very sunny evening in the background, but it had been a very rainy day. Also, why didn't Fanny show everyone sitting down together for dinner - just her own plate of food at an empty table?
- Potty crawled back from Monaco
to the shitoo, and into Fanny's bed, in middle of the night and he was more smug than ever
- 9 minutes of Potty and Fanny vomiting superlatives about the crayon-box chapel
(I skipped forward when Fanny compared the chapel to Daddy's paintings)
- Jump Monkey Jump - Tattle comments that Snorty has no friends and voila Anna & Tim suddenly appear! Snorty is entertaining his 'friends' like he's a 1950's housewife. I felt major Mummy vibes when Fanny entered the winter salon to say hello. I thought the next words out of Fanny's mouth were going to be, ''I'll call your mother's and ask if you can both stay for dinner''.
- What does Snorty have in common to talk about with his 20-something friends?
- would you like to see my collection of tablecloths?
- let me show you my newest tureen?
- there is this 70-year-old woman named Wendy who makes me the cutest felt animals and I hide them all around the shitoo
- my porcelain are like my family, so I stay up all night scouring online auctions to collect all the family members
Fanny Mummy buys all my clothes