She is socially awkward, an introvert, yet like the rest of the misfit toys at the dump, wants to be Stephanie. She is easily influenced by the lovebombing and the loads of insincere comments that she receives on her YouTube channel and Instagram, as well as in the CD comment section. I don’t believe she is incredibly bright, and desperately wants to be seen as a professional, but just doesn’t have a skills or education to pull off all professional level flower arranging or cooking, especially in a long term job setting. She seems to easily inflate her actual skill set In her thoughts which makes her have unrealistic expectations concerning her talent and jobs that she would be able to successfully accomplish, such as “ yaught chef.”
I was under the impression that Marie’s mother, who seems a bit cold, had written off her daughter years ago, when she remarried, and had a second family. Having said that, it is obvious that “you can’t tell me what to do “ Marie has some long-standing personal issues to work through, many of which may stem from family issues, but has yet to do so, which would make it difficult for anyone to help her ( and many have tried).
Also, her heavyset sister may be incredibly nice, but seems scary as tit and gives off a vibe of “ you don’t want to pass me in a dark alley.”