No matter how Billy handled it certain people on this site would find fault. I didn't find him angry of giving a duck you finger (as his brother has done in a recently shown photo from years ago).
I think he cunningly answered many of your questions that you have spent time researching cost of etc. What I believe the message was:::::
You know I ahve been in trouble in the past, that is the past and its not really relevent to this utube channel. You ask fro transperancy, I will give it to you as it relates to this channel which is about convent renovation. and did so. For him it is business as ususal regarding the channel.
For the past year Billy has changed his channel from something where we saw family life and renovation, Ernest and Archie (little cuties). He has made it about the convent and the work and play (detecting for treasure etc). This is his business, this is what he is selling.
This is what he will continue to sell, if you are not a supporter so be.
Yes I am a Billy suppporter I enjoyed his past blogs and watch the current as well. Supporting his channel content does not automatically extend to I agree with what he has done.
THis whole episode with Billy has shown me how the chinese whispers on this site build a story completly different to what we have been told on the blog. Who can even say the story shown was true. Some of the stories people have disclosed about themselves on this site I have often questioned, are they even the age they say they are, but that is their and I am not going to question it.
I enjoyed the fun and laughter so I stayed, but left over a year ago because it was achieving nothing and had negativity. Coming back nothing has changed, infact it is worse. Orginal stories have been twisted over time, that of course is natural. But is was those who tarred associates and friends of Billy's with no proof as being dodgy. That that mean I should automatically state that all on this site are teh same as those who body shame, only refer to people by names, some not pleasant, create stories around what they see based on assumptions which years later become the reality.
The suggestions re Stepahine and the Chapel restorer, doesn't mean anything, does it? He has a family, he has does nothing but give updates when asked by the client, whether he likes it or not and a small group has him shagging her. Fortunately it is a closed site.
I was brought up with many sayings in my life, people in glass houses, you reap what you so, to your ownself, and most importantly treat others as you expect to be treated. Go back you will find in all my comments on this site I always called them by their correct name, I never made assumptions about people and I commented on the facts. Facts certain people on thsi site consistently get wrong.