You have a point susanross3315, you really do. Here’s a few possible reasons in case you’ve missed Fanny’s lifestyle :
1. Anything that goes into ‘Narnia’ or any other area of storage, is never seen again silly
2. Even if Fanny did try and re-cycle any of her material collection, it would probably be mouldy, smell and be full of moth holes, probably ditto to most of her clothes that she rams into closets. Yuk
3. She never finishes anything she starts, so the chances of said fabrics becoming lampshades are zilch. Plus her Brother sewing machine is for serviettes and towel monograms only. And gingerbread Xmas decs because they’re Daaaarling.
4. When not on holiday, Fanny is currently obsessed with curtains, so expect her to vlog about that yet again on her return from Venice. At the current rate of curtain vlogs, the lampshades may make an appearance in about 2044.
5. Finally, stop being so practical sharonross3318. That’s what most people would do, but Fanny is a grifting, shopoholic, hoarder with rabid fans & patreons to entertain. More is more, she simply cannot get enough material into her life to rot away in Narnia.
Poor deluded sharonross3318. You have to feel sorry for her NOT
My moneys on Sean
he has the means, motive and an Etsy webpage