I didn't say it was impossible to be child free, but that the pressure to go the traditional route is still very rampant in today's society. Especially if you come from a traditional family and hate conflict like Anna. I've always known i don't want to have kids, i'm still very young, yet even my mother's coworkers, who i have never seen, are invested in when i will have a partner and kids. They don't ask the same question about my brothers. And i'm from western europe. My aunt is childfree by choice and, again, she is treated differently than her brother who is childfree as well. Women get bashed online and irl for daring to say that they like their life without kids or a partner bc for centuries it had been their only purpose. Some doctors refuse to tie up women's tubes just "in case" or because what if their partner wants kids. Pretending it's as easy as saying "no", when most women don't even get to consider that option or get treated seriously when they do, ain't it. Even when it comes to someone like Anna.