I’ve been brought up around parents that were addicted to drugs and I 100% wouldn’t support anyone taking drugs ether around there child or not. I don’t see drugs as normal at all, it slowly takes the parent and changed them into someone completely different to who the child knows. My mum was addicted until she met someone that was violent towards her, she started taking drugs with him to try and escape the pain she had to experience from the nightly beatings and the person she was with robbing off her. My dad went on and got addicted to help him cope with the heartbreak he experienced with the break up with my mum.
So the stereotyping of kids being brought up with it and seeing it as normal, I find it as an insult. Even though both parents were addicted I don’t find it normal. I’ve been offered drugs on nights out and always decline it and none of my friends take it. Both parents even preached to me, to never take drugs and that they are bad, even encouraged me to better my life and go to uni and get a career.
So please don’t brush all kids who had addict parents with the same brush.