Omg she is INFURIATING me.
these people are making me feel like going full Karen. I genuinely wouldn’t feel bad contacting their employers or the police when they’re this reckless and selfish. I’m chronically sick despite being in my 20s and I have to go out for medical treatment: if someone like that sits too close to me on the bus, I could die. So she can get her m*nge waxed. HOW DO THEY SLEEP AT NIGHT
these people are making me feel like going full Karen. I genuinely wouldn’t feel bad contacting their employers or the police when they’re this reckless and selfish. I’m chronically sick despite being in my 20s and I have to go out for medical treatment: if someone like that sits too close to me on the bus, I could die. So she can get her m*nge waxed. HOW DO THEY SLEEP AT NIGHT